Nails wearing down..

mom of 5

New member
Jul 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Gucci & Louie
My bulldog Gucci's nails are wearing down and wondered if this is normal. Thought she was breaking them, but noticed today that she drags her feet. What to do...I'm a new owner and she is my first bullie!:D
Don't worry. A lot of bullys do that. If you search "floppy feet" you will find a thread about it. I would post the link but I am on my nook.
[MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION] you know it! Gotta have your priorities streit. Lol
My bulldog Gucci's nails are wearing down and wondered if this is normal. Thought she was breaking them, but noticed today that she drags her feet. What to do...I'm a new owner and she is my first bullie!:D

I don't see this as a bad thing at all. Trimming bully nails is no fun! One of mine does this and keeps her nails nice and short, I view it as a plus as long as there is no problems with hips/joints causing it.
Einstein drags his front feet too. At one time he wore them down so much they started bleeding. We asked the vet what we could do and he said either get him some shoes or walk him less on cement. Now we just alternate our walks between the sidewalk and the grass. Seems to help. Good luck!
Thanks the help! I was just concerned and I appreciate the replies!:D

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