Puppy aggression


New member
Mar 19, 2012
Alberta, Canada
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Hey everyone,
I have been reading here for awhile, but am brand new to posting. I just got my new bully a couple weeks ago and need some help! :begging: I have a 10 week old bully who will not respond to any sort of discipline, especially when he is "zoned out". I feel he has made progress with the normal puppy biting of the feet and hands and he doesn't really chew on our stuff, mostly his toys (and our physical selves) but sometimes he gets so wound up that nothing works. We try to redirect him to his toys when he bites us and he tries to force his way through the the toy to us, if we try to remove him from the situation (or from anything he wants to do) he growls aggressively (not a playful puppy growl) and tries to get at our hands. If we say NO or no bite or yelp he snaps and growls and bites as if we're just egging him on. Putting him in timeout in another room for 5 minutes and ignoring him when he comes out until he does something we can praise him for seems to get him out of his "zoned out" state of mind but I would like to learn another method to deal with him. We try to praise him for everything he does right or well in hopes that he would prefer that but it's seeming he prefers trying to assert his dominance. Does anyone have any ideas or tips for how todeal with his aggression/dominance or how I can assert myself more effectively? Any help is much appreciated!


"Slug Assassin" and PBS Gardening Dweeb
Jun 23, 2011
Mukilteo, Washington State
Bulldog(s) Names
Beefeater's Buxom Beatrice and Lord Harrington's Bodacious Beauregaard
I've so many suggestions for you....I don't know where to start.

1)Puppies aren't aggressive by nature. They just aren't. What you've got there is English Bulldog attitude. And it's not going to get any better - probably worse - unless you begin stepping up to be your precious pup's pack leader.
2) Exercise - a tired pup is a GOOD pup
3) Discipline - do not confuse this with punishment it's NOT the same thing.
4) THEN give affection. Affection is food, water, toys, your time. But only after you've tired him out and shown him what behaviors are appropriate and acceptable to you.
5) Dog's don't understand the concept of "time out". You are only confusing your dog with that strategy. He's not a human child. He's a puppy. Dogs are instinctual; they don't rationalize things. Yelling "No" is only effective to a point. Does he know what behavior you do WANT then?
6) Get a book and start reading! I'm going to suggest Cesar Millan's "How to Raise the Perfect Puppy" - but then, you probably saw that coming huh? :laugh:
7) ENJOY YOUR NEW BABY! You have an opportunity to raise an ambassador to the breed. Education is your friend. Everyone is here to help.
Pictures please!!!!!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
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I've so many suggestions for you....I don't know where to start.

1)Puppies aren't aggressive by nature. They just aren't. What you've got there is English Bulldog attitude. And it's not going to get any better - probably worse - unless you begin stepping up to be your precious pup's pack leader.
2) Exercise - a tired pup is a GOOD pup
3) Discipline - do not confuse this with punishment it's NOT the same thing.
4) THEN give affection. Affection is food, water, toys, your time. But only after you've tired him out and shown him what behaviors are appropriate and acceptable to you.
5) Dog's don't understand the concept of "time out". You are only confusing your dog with that strategy. He's not a human child. He's a puppy. Dogs are instinctual; they don't rationalize things. Yelling "No" is only effective to a point. Does he know what behavior you do WANT then?
6) Get a book and start reading! I'm going to suggest Cesar Millan's "How to Raise the Perfect Puppy" - but then, you probably saw that coming huh? :laugh:
7) ENJOY YOUR NEW BABY! You have an opportunity to raise an ambassador to the breed. Education is your friend. Everyone is here to help.
Pictures please!!!!!

+1 to everything vic said...if your pup gets too excited all the screaming in the world wont work..the only thing that will work is getting something that smells good to pass right in front of his nose (dont give him a treat but use it as a means to distract him and bring his energy level down). Practice the "nothing in life is free" training method. Whenever I feed my pup he has to sit and stay until I say the words "OK". It took about a week or two doing that 3x a day but eventually he got it. If he wants that goodie in your hand he has to work for it! Give him a purpose and be the pack leader otherwise he will. Like any puppy, he will have his outbursts but that in no way is aggression. If he has an outburst, make your hand into a claw like shap and firmly grasp the scruff of his neck (mimic the way his mother would discipline him, she would use her jaws and pick him up by the same scruff) and firmly tell him "No" or whatever. And try to watch all the episodes of the "Dog Whisper" while you can...good luck and post pics!!

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Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
No more advice to add but welcome! Dont tease us with thoughts of a cute little 10 week old with no pics please. :D


Hey everyone,
I have been reading here for awhile, but am brand new to posting. I just got my new bully a couple weeks ago and need some help! :begging: I have a 10 week old bully who will not respond to any sort of discipline, especially when he is "zoned out". I feel he has made progress with the normal puppy biting of the feet and hands and he doesn't really chew on our stuff, mostly his toys (and our physical selves) but sometimes he gets so wound up that nothing works. We try to redirect him to his toys when he bites us and he tries to force his way through the the toy to us, if we try to remove him from the situation (or from anything he wants to do) he growls aggressively (not a playful puppy growl) and tries to get at our hands. If we say NO or no bite or yelp he snaps and growls and bites as if we're just egging him on. Putting him in timeout in another room for 5 minutes and ignoring him when he comes out until he does something we can praise him for seems to get him out of his "zoned out" state of mind but I would like to learn another method to deal with him. We try to praise him for everything he does right or well in hopes that he would prefer that but it's seeming he prefers trying to assert his dominance. Does anyone have any ideas or tips for how todeal with his aggression/dominance or how I can assert myself more effectively? Any help is much appreciated!

10 weeks is so young to tell....he is still such a baby. But I would recommend every time he is naughty biting and the attitude he gets put in the kennel. I know some say not to dicispline with the kennel but no bully likes or want to be locked in there. He bites you put him in there,.....he has attitude you put him in there....eventually he will learn this aggression is not acceptable and he will learn if he wants freedom and want to be by his mommy and daddy and not in the kennel he will learn to be good. Also when Coop would bite or be going going after my son I would clap really loud sometimes a few times. For some reason clapping get their attention and they don't care so much for it. When Gracie and Coop are playing and they get a little rough I do my normal yell or a weird ahhh ahhh or no no or knock it off in my loud dominant yell or I will clap and they both stop right away and look at me like "what we weren't doing anything wrong" Just gotta nip it in the but now and from what you are saying I think the kennel is needed. I would kennel coop and just get him out of the situtation when he would bite my son and it lasted for a couple months. The puppy biting is hard to stop but around 4-5 months they start losing puppy teeth and calming down. Coop bit all the time and now at 8 months he is such a lover!! Cuddles and loves his family. My 2 year old got the brunt of the biting and now him and coop are best friends. My son can't walk past him with out giving him a big kiss!! Just hang in there and show him who is boss. I think the kennel thing will help you though!! let us know!

Putting in the kennel is just simply defusing and getting him away from the situation. This is what I did with Cooper and he is great now.....and he loves his kennel still....he will go in there in his own and sleep all the time. SO putting him in there as a disciplined did not make him hate the kennel!
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Also what works for some may not work for you. And remember everything takes time. Its not a quick fix. You know your pup the best and everything on here is every ones opinion. So you may agree or disagree but every one parents different and there is no right or wrong way....except if you hit your pup that would be the wrong way ;) Bullies are just like kids....they learn from their parents and every child is different. What worked on my daughter I am finding out isn't working on my son. This is a prime example of because it worked for one person doesn't mean it will work for you! ;) good luck and keep us posted!!


Aug 12, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
HRH Princess Gracie, aka: HRH; Princess Amelia Pond, aka: Amy
:welcome: to EBN.... I have no advice for you except listen to [MENTION=2614]Vicaroo1000[/MENTION], she is an experienced behavioralist. Thanx for joining and I hope to see pix of your baby soon.


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Mar 19, 2012
Alberta, Canada
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Thanks so much for all of your thoughts! We will definitely keep working at it. We just want a happy, healthy little bully and eventually a happy healthy big bully:D. And don't worry, we will post pics soon!


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
Seems you got the best advice already just wanted to welcome you and please please post some pictures of that sweet llittle baby


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Chelios (Frenchie), Cubby (Frenchie) Nitschke (2004-2011) Banks (2005-2014) and Lambeau (2014-2024)
I've so many suggestions for you....I don't know where to start.

1)Puppies aren't aggressive by nature. They just aren't. What you've got there is English Bulldog attitude. And it's not going to get any better - probably worse - unless you begin stepping up to be your precious pup's pack leader.
2) Exercise - a tired pup is a GOOD pup
3) Discipline - do not confuse this with punishment it's NOT the same thing.
4) THEN give affection. Affection is food, water, toys, your time. But only after you've tired him out and shown him what behaviors are appropriate and acceptable to you.
5) Dog's don't understand the concept of "time out". You are only confusing your dog with that strategy. He's not a human child. He's a puppy. Dogs are instinctual; they don't rationalize things. Yelling "No" is only effective to a point. Does he know what behavior you do WANT then?
6) Get a book and start reading! I'm going to suggest Cesar Millan's "How to Raise the Perfect Puppy" - but then, you probably saw that coming huh? :laugh:
7) ENJOY YOUR NEW BABY! You have an opportunity to raise an ambassador to the breed. Education is your friend. Everyone is here to help.
Pictures please!!!!!



Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
I can't add to what has already been said except to say :welcome: and :pics:

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