Prior to bulldog puppy arrival


6 weeks and all cute. 2 more weeks of waiting!

New here as I recently put down a deposit on a new english bulldog puppy! I have been looking close to a year now and have finally pulled the trigger!

I am looking for tips for a first time bulldog puppy owner and as a matter of fact, first time dog owner. I have been doing research looking at check lists, and talking to the breeder about different things and such. Here was just a small list I have compiled thus far. Most of it from this website's "Welcoming home a puppy"

  • Crate enclosed
  • Potty training pads -> Breeder said these will probably be useless and chew objects
  • Chew toys
  • Leash and harness
  • Stainless steel water and food bowls
  • Bitter Apple spray for no chewing
  • Enzyme Cleaner

What else can you guys think of when you brought your bully home? I don't go pick him up until the first weekend in June so I have some time but want to be as prepared as possible. I have thought of a couple of questions for you all as well. Not sure if this is the right forum, but please move this if it's not.

How many people get pet insurance with bulldogs and how much does it cover with a general plan? Are most vaccinations and regular visits covered by a good chunk?

When does a puppy switch over from puppy kibble to adult food, is there a definite "6 month" rule? I know you're supposed to ease into it, adding more and more adult food to their daily serving, until completely adult food.

What are some tell tale signs that a certain brand/mix of food isn't working with a bulldogs diet? I have read a lot about a tear stain, but not sure what that is. Plus their paws and face get red too correct? Any others?

Lastly, anyone in the Twin Cities, Minneapolis-St.Paul area recommend a vet? I know that this place has recommendations, just wanted to know if anyone personally lives in the area.

And without further ado, meet Winston! Its attached since I can't link from photobucket

Hey Caldy and Winston, Welcome to EBN, your in good hands here, lots of info available here for you and your baby bully, Let me throw some good links at you, First Item is 35 items you should have available in your Bully care package, I'm sure you'll want to add others, but these 35 items are well thought out and make a lot of sense,
The next item is Pet Food, and pet food ratings, You wouldn't believe what a difference good food makes to your bully, some considered junk food, others considered smart diets, they're in this article, and ratings are available…..
The next item I found very important for a puppy is pet insurance, because at this stage in life they have no pre existing conditions to be exempted from, so it's a very important decision from day 1 of having a puppy,
I know you've gotten a bunch of links already, and I've just added to what you already have, hope all this wonderful information helps you as much as it helped me. and again Welcome, so nice to see you here!!
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:welcome3:is all i can say -there is always something to find on here come back often -it is one big family
Pickup day was yesterday! Excitement was through the roof. First night went well, helps that the breeder had started crate training and making them all sleep in their own crates. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1370703469.942216.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1370703593.759152.jpg
Precious baby!! You will love your new bully baby!! Lots of pics, please1
Pickup day was yesterday! Excitement was through the roof. First night went well, helps that the breeder had started crate training and making them all sleep in their own crates. View attachment 45724View attachment 45725

Congratulations! I must say Winston is absolutely "a-dog-a-bull!" He'll grow into those big paws before you know it! Take lots of pictures - and - don't forget to post them here for us to see!
Pickup day was yesterday! Excitement was through the roof. First night went well, helps that the breeder had started crate training and making them all sleep in their own crates. View attachment 45724View attachment 45725
OMG.... Look at that Ball of Fur...... He is so Handsome....... He's like a black and white Butterball, If you couldn't just pick him up and smother him with love, your just not right !! and I don't care who you are..... He is Awesome......!!

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