Please pray for Maude


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Community Veteran
May 2, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
Tomorrow Maude will be having surgery for ( large epillus) that may choke her if not removed. She is 10 years old and it is risky. Not much choice. I know you all have your own problems, but if you could spare a minute for Maude, we would be so grateful. As you can imagine, I am feeling panicked. It comes to no choice. I have complete trust in her Dr. (of all her life, and all my animals) so I know he is the best. BUT some prayers couldn't hurt. Thank you :heart::begging:
(she likes the chair upside down!)
Praying for you both, hoping Moude has a fast recovery!

Keep us updated.
Sending positive thoughts your way!
Wrapping you both in prayers of strength and healing for a successful procedure and recovery!

Love you Ms. Lynn!!
Sending lots of hugs & prayers your way... keep us posted!!!
Thinking of beautiful Maude and praying for her speedy recovery. ♥️
Thinking of you both and sending love and prayers for your baby girl
I always pray for people who are seriously ill and going through various difficulties. I feel especially sorry for young children who are suffering at such a young age. Our family also once experienced such a situation. Our daughter was on the verge of death. Only through prayers, God's help, and the competence of doctors were we able to save her. Every day I thank God that all my loved ones are healthy and happy. Health is our greatest treasure. We attend Sunday services and pray to God. Faith is the most precious thing we have.
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