Play Date


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
King Ollie
In sheer desperation for a playmate for Ollie, I called his breeder to see if she could bring anyone over to play with Ollie. She had spoken of bringing Daphneā€™s sister, Brie. Instead, she brought Ollieā€™s very own sister, Tara. Poor Tara has been repossessed for nonpayment.

The pups had a blast. Look how calm the bullies are when the two sissy boys make a mad rush at them. Unbelievable temperaments.

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Oh, does that mean you are keeping Tara too! LOL
The pups are adorable for sure!
Yes...keep Tara!!! Then they can have play dates every day! :yes:
Oh, does that mean you are keeping Tara too! LOL
The pups are adorable for sure!

I already tried that. Evidently I can either have another dog or another husband. Dogs donā€™t come with nice juicy pensions...just sayinā€™.

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I already tried that. Evidently I can either have another dog or another husband. Dogs donā€™t come with nice juicy pensions...just sayinā€™.

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Borrow her for a day or two. She'll grow on him!! :)
I already tried that. Evidently I can either have another dog or another husband. Dogs donā€™t come with nice juicy pensions...just sayinā€™.

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Well need for what I was going to say! But they looked awfully cute together!
Ahhhhh how awesome!!! Love the video....just one thing missing. MY GIRL JOEY LOL
oh so cute!!!!!!!!!!! i would love to have two as well. It would be great though,,,,,, since ya kinda gotta keep the hubby ;) ......... if you could keep contact with the new owner of the sis and continue play dates :)
Oh, this is so sweet! I wish we were not so far, my Tank is the sissiest dog, the softest and friendliest play partner you can imagine. He is just like Ollie. And he is intact, I think if we neuter him, he will just hide under my skirt all time:D
Great video! Castor too would have loved to come over and play! He is just as cool as Ollie and Tara when dogs approach him but he has in fact not seen an English bulldog since he was a pup. He has a Frenchie friend and we occasionally meet pugs so he knows what shortnosed dogs look like, but oh how he would have loved to meet with another EB!
exactly!!!!!'s easier to ask forgivness than permission............."borrow her"
Love this! Hopefully they can have regular play dates :) I have been trying to get a play date going with Tayto and two of his siblings. Hoping it'll happen soon.
In sheer desperation for a playmate for Ollie, I called his breeder to see if she could bring anyone over to play with Ollie. She had spoken of bringing Daphneā€™s sister, Brie. Instead, she brought Ollieā€™s very own sister, Tara. Poor Tara has been repossessed for nonpayment.

The pups had a blast. Look how calm the bullies are when the two sissy boys make a mad rush at them. Unbelievable temperaments.

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Beautiful.... what a great looking pair

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