Photo and Video Theme: Rescued or Adopted Bulldogs


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
It's Wednesday everybully!

Today's photo theme is "Rescued and Adopted Bulldogs", if you have one, please post their photo and tell us the story. We would love to hear it! :heart:
I have yet to adopt, but I do have an adoptee photo to share. Her name is Courage and she has stolen my heart!!!!!

Rescued by AABR in So Florida from a backyard breeder in Jacksonville, only survivor of the entire litter. Found so infected by mange she is bald, her nails over grown, yet her spirits are high. She is still in treatment, but coming along and such a sweet little girl.
I love her so much, can't wait to meet her someday.

Thanks for letting me sneak this in. heheheheh


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Aww she is adorabull!!! I dont understand how people can do that to such loving and loyal creatures. I want to adopt a deaffie they have at Buddies Thru Bullies but I'm moving to Ga next year to buy a house and think it would be better to wait until we are settled Permanently. I want her to find a home but maybe she will still be with her foster.

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