Photo and Video Theme: English Bulldogs Eating Food


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
Good morning everybully!
This should be fun. :) Just got this one the other day, it is rare since Cutty usually gets a mouthful at a time and carries it to another spot to spit it out and then proceed to eat. lol
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[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] OMG I laughed so hard!!! O is such a card I love her!!!! Tell your mom next time she plans on a litter to let me know. I'll save up or dig into my savings
Wow!..Orion eats like it's her last meal! hehehe. Too Funny..... Bruno is the total opposite. I leave food in his bowl all day and he eats a little at a time throughout the day.
I wish food lasted a little longer around here! Orion's mom and dad eat the same way as Bruno. I don't get it!!! :confused:
Orion has always eaten like it was her last meal. And she was the only pup in the no competition. Vegas has never gone after her food. I don't get her desperation. I just fed them their breakfast and Orion is literally still standing over her bowl like she's expecting more to magically appear!
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Gracie has an alternate bed under my desk where she spends a good part of her day. This little video is her in her bed chewing a prime rib bone. Turn your sound up. It gets lighter about half way thru the video, sorry bout that. ;)

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