Only way to wear my new New Year skinny jeans.


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
Took advantage of the tree still being up at my parents' last night by taking pics of Stiggy with it. Coaxing with treats made it a success, but I had to sacrifice my new pair of jeans. Suffice to say that my knees were drenched in the end, but oh well, I still got some great pics! :up:

Here]s the little bugger a couple of steps from me <o ...

... first signs of slobbering :eek: ...

... damage done :*( ...

... aftermath :down:.
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The first 2were cute but the last
kinda made me sick at my stomach.
I'm still a little quizzy from last night.
Use a little vinegar in the wash when you wash the jeans, and they'll be none the worse for wear.

Great pics.
[MENTION=1209]savemejeebus[/MENTION] Stiggy is simply awesome!!!! love the drool and all. yet another bully on my list to steal. just a warning. lol.
[MENTION=1209]savemejeebus[/MENTION], That made me laugh out loud!! The bubble is HILARIOUS!!! I have to wear black dress pants to work, I run around all morning getting ready completely dressed EXCEPT for my black pants, those go on as I am walking out the front door, way too many times I have got to work to only look down and see white slobber smears that I was not aware of! I really love it when he is done drinking and he comes and lays his head on my lap, looks like I peed myself :lol:

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