

New member
Sep 21, 2010
Va Beach, VA
Bulldog(s) Names
Right now my wife and I are getting Winston nuetered next Friday, he is six months, but I'm concerned it might be too early, any thoughts? It was the vet's advice and she is a bulldog expert, but I still feel it may be too soon.
I honestly don't know, I adopted Vegas when he was 4 months old and he already had been neutered. He is the first dog I have owned in about 10 years and I have had male n. dogs before but I just can't remember at what age. I am sure you will get the right answers, to me 6 months sounds old enough, especially since Vegas already was at 4. Maybe he was to young and that is why he can still go through spells of humping??? hhmmm???
I agree it sounds like the perfect age to me. I know there is controversy over them developing and filling out more if they arent neutered that early but I dont buy into it all. I would think if you are going to a bully vet they should know what is best for the dog as a bully.

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