Help Needed! Not eating twice a day anymore


Apr 1, 2014
Bulldog(s) Names
Lord Stanley
Hello all, haven't posted in a while. Need some advice. Stanley is almost 7 years old now. He used to eat twice a day regularly. Now in the morning it seems he's uninterested in breakfast(but will eat treats or anything from our hands), but then he's ready for dinner early (obviously) and then once he finishes dinner, he cries or whines for more food after he's done eating. Has anyone experienced this? We give him a packet of probiotic on his morning meal, but we've been doing that for a while, it's nothing new. He's always been a kind of picky eater when it comes to his food, but he'll eat anything we give him (non dog food, I mean).
Hello all, haven't posted in a while. Need some advice. Stanley is almost 7 years old now. He used to eat twice a day regularly. Now in the morning it seems he's uninterested in breakfast(but will eat treats or anything from our hands), but then he's ready for dinner early (obviously) and then once he finishes dinner, he cries or whines for more food after he's done eating. Has anyone experienced this? We give him a packet of probiotic on his morning meal, but we've been doing that for a while, it's nothing new. He's always been a kind of picky eater when it comes to his food, but he'll eat anything we give him (non dog food, I mean).

You answered your own question... lol... Nyala my brindle does the same every morning itā€™s the same issue. Madame will eat your toast n all but will leave her meal there. And she eats raw. All dogs will jump in raw but sheā€™s picky. She was raised ā€œfree fedā€ n I had to stop that cause of my previous dog he would vacuum in everything. Jake does the same. If I mix her sardines in once a week sheā€™ll eat. Basically she wants human food mix in her raw. Well no. Not going to happen. What I do is if she wonā€™t eat she gets nothing till supper. Trust me next morning sheā€™ll eat. So I sure wouldnā€™t worry. You just need to stand firm. Nyala is going to be 5 in September so itā€™s not an age thing..
Thank you. I appreciate the response. I'm sure if I put french fries on top of his breakfast, he'd scarf it down.... lmao.
Thank you. I appreciate the response. I'm sure if I put french fries on top of his breakfast, he'd scarf it down.... lmao.

You know what you can do, add as a topper raw organs like liver. Chopped up n youā€™ll have the perfect daily probiotic. About 1/2 per day.. just a thought.
Willow does this, especially if we are on vacation... we just go thru the motions, and then eventually her "hunger strike" is over and she eats normally again!!! Lol
I'm going through tis now with my 9yr Frenchie, Chelios. He is very picky in the morning, I place his food on a flat plate and he eats without issue.

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