New to this breed


New member
Aug 1, 2022
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Good morning,
We just adopted a English bulldog from a shelter yesterday. Bennie is approx 5 years old.
While I've owned many dogs in the past, this is our first bulldog.
There is so much info on this site, it kinda makes my head spin.
Is there anything I need to know immediately being a first timer?
He was fed Acana at the rescue, so we're continuing to feed him that.
He's a great dog, good with kids, cats and loves to go on car rides.
He can be stubborn when walking him.
He tends to lay down and not want to move, So I'll have to work on that.
He has no tail because his tail socket got infected.
I don't want to keep rambling on, but I'll be reading more on this site
to learn more about this breed.
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Good morning,
We just adopted a English bulldog from a shelter yesterday. Bennie is approx 5 years old.
While I've owned many dogs in the past, this is our first bulldog.
There is so much info on this site, it kinda makes my head spin.
Is there anything I need to know immediately being a first timer?
He was fed Acana at the rescue, so we're continuing to feed him that.
He's a great dog, good with kids, cats and loves to go on car rides.
He can be stubborn when walking him.
He tends to lay down and not want to move, So I'll have to work on that.
He has no tail because his tail socket got infected.
I don't want to keep rambling on, but I'll be reading more on this site
to learn more about this breed.

View attachment 123099

He is cute.

Acana is a good kibble. Rotating proteins is a really good thing(you can rotate between the different proteins from Acana even if you stay away from poultry), this helps prevent picky eater and also prevents food allergies from eating the same thing every day(thatā€™s how good allergies develop).

Keeping his wrinkles and foods are good to do every day or even every other day to prevent infections.

They are prone to allergies, and airway issues(elongated soft palate, closed nostrils as well), all can cause breathing problems, but can be fixed thru surgery if itā€™s ever needed.

Always walk them on a harness so itā€™s not pulling on his airway and causing him to choke. A harness gives you more control over him when they pull.

Any questions/concerns for any issues we are here to help!
When walking never go farther away from home than you are able to carry him back. Also be mindful of the road and sidewalk temperature. Bulldogs can overheat quickly...some way more than others. If breathing becomes labored and sounds rattly, it's time to stop and return home. Check ears nose rope and any other face wrinkles for funk and inflammation regularly...clean as needed. We use Tucks and Unscented Baby Wipes.
Enjoy that boy!
Welcome to EBNā€¦ thank you for rescuing

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