Need suggestions

Hubby works midnights so he is gone when I go to bed. I will google the steps and see what I can come up with. Would be so much cheaper for him to build them but hey if he won't help me.... He also told me last night there are support groups for people like me :lmao:

Tell him you joined one of those groups when you joined EBN.
We got some of those steps at a garage sale for HRH. She wanted NO part of them. she can jump on the bed though if she wants to. I just thought the steps would make it easier.
She doesn't sleep with us by her choice. She has a bed on the floor beside the bed and goes there to sleep when she decides it's time. She won't stay on our bed long, but she will jump up on it if Bruce is eating something that she thinks he just might share, she jumps down as soon as she figures out she isn't getting any.
If we put her on the bed to snuggle she will not stay. But she will sit between us on the loveseat for hours. She has some very definite ideas of what should and shouldn't happen. And I swear she can tell time!
We put a long bench/ottomon type thing at the bottom of the bed that both are dogs are able to jump onto. Its about a 1.5 feet high. Looks nice, holds extra blankets but its really for the dogs. Its upholstered and padded, works well.
[MENTION=3914]gobronco[/MENTION] To each his own. I titled my thread need suggestions not snarky comments. Just saying.
Zoey, thought about it after I posted it. It was a little out of line and opinionated. I apologize if I offended anyone.
[MENTION=5228]Zoey1974[/MENTION]...for some reason my PM's are being sent but I wanted you to know
I deeply appreciated your kind gesture. I was having a rotten day until I logged
on EBN and found your lifted my heart and instantly my day was better!

Thank you
:angelheart: Carol
[MENTION=5228]Zoey1974[/MENTION]...Sorry, my pm's AREN'T being sent.

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