Mother Nature is tough on us this time of year....


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
There is just so much going on in my desert yard it is not even funny!

1.) Of course it is BLAZING HOT in Tucson. So #1 priority, making sure our bullies are cool :cool:

2.) My mesquite trees are now dropping seed pods. My bullies think they are a wonderful snack, so I am having to rake 3 times in day and pick up any stragglers. Gonna be a LONG month until they finally all drop. Then of course, we have to try to keep our babies from eating them, otherwise they get the squirts.

3.) Sonoran Toads. We have a pool, so they love to go in their and mate during the summer, swim, ect. The other night Mandy went out of site, was playing beyond where I could see in the dark, and when I got the flashlight to get her, she was foaming at the mouth. EMERGENCY TIME: Tossed her into the shower and rinsed he mouth out for about 10 minutes. Even her eyes were buldging and there was some blood it looked like leaking from them. I did not have time to get her to the vet, so it was up to me to save her. I don't know for sure if she got a toad, but she was having the symptoms. This is something I fear everynight when I let them out in the dark. Luckily, after she calmed down she was fine.... I was so glad!!! Her eyes went back to normal within an hour, and she stopped panting profusely.

In the morning, I sometimes find up to 4 of these toads in my pool. So I box them up and drive them about a mile away and let them go in the desert. This is almost becoming part of my morning routine. It happens a few times a week. I am wondering if the ones I am letting go are not finding their way back??!

This morning I went to clean out the skimmer basket, and there is a Toad (dead) that got sucked up in the plate, and now I cannot get it out. Thank goodness chip will be back tomorrow!!!

4.) Large black bird. This guy is HUGE. I keep seeing him fly around our yard, and he loves to land on our fountain in our frontyard. He could EASILY grab one of our 4 month old pups and take off. Scary.

My point to all of this is that I am worried sick all the time. I am so afraid something will happen to one of our bullies. I just really needed to vent, because I am scared to death.

As much as I love summer, I want it to be over already! Cuz I need to relax!
LOL Vent away! Oh goodness desertsky how overwhelming! That would wear me out, does just reading all that :( I am a total worry wort myself about Samson so I definitely understand how you feel. Oh and poor Mandy, I hope she thinks twice next time about eating random critters in the backyard!
You poor thing how exhausting that all is!!! As if you arent busy enough to begin with then add all that chaos into the mix? I dont envy you right now thats for sure. That is very scary with the toads, there is no way to keep them out of the yard? Do you have block wall or iron fence? Maybe a block wall could help? When we were young we lived on a river bed and got frogs in our yard like crazy too and they loved the pool but never survived it. I remember mu sister and me having to try and get them out with the pool broom, that was a challenge. Right when you almost get them to the top they would fall thru and back to the bottom, so sad! Luckily in cali they arent poisonous, or at least never thought they were anyhow. I think us mamas job is to worry nomatter what the problems are, I know I worry about everything. Heres hoping summer passes soon for you guys! :D
Ever think of moving? Here in the PNW, we don't have to worry about the heat.......actually we do. Our worry is heating the house. We have mild winters and mild summers. It's cold enough to sometimes snow and it gets hot enough to sometimes burn.......The grass is always green, you have the Mts, Rivers, Ocean and desert. I've never seen a toad, but we do have frogs. They are about the size of a dime (babies) to a quarter. Vegas loves to chase them and Orion even put one in her mouth. I love living here. Right now it's perfect evening weather.
I actually love it here. Once summer is over there is 9 months of blissful weather :). I loved Washington too but I really love the sunshine. I probably would as many problems if I had no pool, but we almost need one here:)

Yes, our backyard is block walled. But I see toad tirds on the top of the wall so a guess they can jump 5ft!-6ft!

The only thing I can think of that could help is to not run our fountains in the summer. We have one in the pool, perhaps it is attracting the toads? They can probly hear that sound for miles!

I think mother nature got mad at me for complaining and sent a large gust of wind that knocked down about 100 more seed pods early this eve.... So I had to rake again before sundown! Sorry mother nature, cuz I DO love you :)
Dont make mother nature mad! lol. Really they can jump 5 and 6 feet?!?! Who knew? Wish there was a solution to your headaches, and you go thru this every summer? It MUST be beautiful the rest of the year to tolerate it. :) Maybe you could just shake that tree and finish the pods dropping a little. ;)
I'm lazy. I'd cut it down. Actually, I'd pay someone else to cut it down. I couldn't handle raking multiple times a day.
LOL!!! Ah yes, but the shade is soooo worth it ;)
It must be nice shade cuz Im with Libra and would have my gardeners take it down. ;) If its mesquite imagine all that nice smoking wood you would have to burn. haha!
LOL!!! Ah yes, but the shade is soooo worth it ;)

What's shade when the weather is 110+? I'll send you an umbrella...........I'd die if I lived in Arizona. I'm alot like the bulldog breed, I'd totally overheat and pant all day long. I'd be on the tile floor, flat on my belly, snoozing away. I couldn't imagine having to go out in that and having to do any physical work. I wait until 9pm at night just to mow the lawn. (sun is still up and the temp has dropped from 74 to 68) LOL.
I remember our first summer here, moving from WA state- I did think I was gonna die. It takes two years to acclimate, now I can even do yardwork in 110 degree weather, I'm just crazy like that. LOL

On another note- no toads in the pool for 3 days now- knock on wood!!
Yay! Hopefully they have found a new watering hole. :)

I dont like being outside in 85 degree weather so I am pretty sure Az and me wouldnt get along so well either. Like libra I like to stay inside with the air on. haha.

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