Lambeau has been diagnosed with lymphoma

Keep it up sweet Lambeau! I'm thrilled to see his updates being positive! Despite the "c" still being present. Lammy, you are one tough cookie! Speaking of cookies, i think mommy should give you one :sneaky2: šŸ’•
I just now realized that it's been over a year since his diagnosis. OUTSTANDING!
We are glad to hear Hammy Lammy is doing well. Such great news.

By the Way....Hammy don't tell mommy is was Uncle Rog's Rogaine. :bigboss:
I knew someone added some thing to his regimen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
11/29 update ā€“ Beau remains at status quoā€¦ that one stubborn node has remained stable. He received the same protocol of the altered MVPP. He continues to be more and more like himself, he initiated play with Cheli one day last week and he is back to wanting a marrow bone, which for awhile he wasnā€™t interested. We are officially at one a month (every four weeks) for treatment now. Praying so hard for a remission.

Next treatment is 12/27
12/27 update ā€“ Beau is on a new protocol called Laverdia. I swear to you, I never remember our oncologist saying Lambeau was in remission, but apparently he was and he has now fallen out. In doing some more reading, it seems you can be considered in a form of remission but not FULL remission, which is what he was all this time since all nodes were normal but the one in the shoulder. There is so much to learn and keep up with. The new drug he receives five pills twice a week for two weeks (Wednesday and Saturday) then back for a evaluation/blood panel to determine how to proceed. Beau seems good except the poo issues are back and he is a little slower in moving aroundā€¦ all this change started on 12/24 so we checked his nodes and noticed most were somewhat swollen, so we knew before going to the appointment he most likely would be placed on a new protocol. This drug has a lot of the same side effects as the Tanovea, which ironically was this time last year and we are praying he doesn't experience the same level of impact. So far with just the one treatment his eating is not impacted at all which I hope continues.

Next appointment is 1/10 ā€“ which is 17 months post diagnosis.
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Lambeau keeps surprising us n heā€™ll do it again. If his food intake isnā€™t affected, that's the most important factor. Definitely a good sign.

You got this Lammy ā¤ļø
1/14 update ā€“ Beau lost his battle on Saturday 1/13/24 at 2:30 PM, we helped him cross the bridge. We went to the 1/10 appointment knowing he was not responding to the new protocol, in fact, he was responding in the same fashion he did to Tanovea. The only thing it didnā€™t impact was his eating; he was still going strong with wanting to eat. At the appointment we filled the oncologist in on how the two weeks went and how we decided to not give the last dose because he was get sicker with each dose (there were only four doses). When she came back out to talk with us she informed us all his nodes were enlarged/swollen and he was out of chemo options. Since he never went into full remission he could not return to any of the protocols. He was placed on palliative care (60 mg prednisone per day) that day. Late Wednesday night into Thursday morning (no sleep for any of us) he started having to poo every 30 minutes and blood was present. I called our vet office and they suggested we admit for fluids and overnight observation to see if they could get him stable (give the pred via IV to bypass the gut). He stayed overnight, but Friday morning there was no change to the poo issue but he was comfortable. At that point, we made the decision to schedule his passing on Saturday. We picked him up on Friday night loved on him hard all night, took him for long walks in his stroller. It was cold and windy, but we wrapped in blankets and he sat up the whole time just taking it all in.

We did choose to have a necropsy performed, it did not answer why all the poo issues, but it did tell us why he declined so quickly on Wednesday/Thursday, his abdominal nodes had ruptured. :(

We have no regrets of anything we did over the last 18 months for our boy. We did everything available that we knew of and could get to. The one thing I would add much earlier, even at the very beginning is finding a holistic vet to work with oncology. The holistic vet will look at the whole body and treatment of the cancer, and side effects to ensure a balance is kept. Would it have changed anything, donā€™t know, but if it would have even just eliminated some of the side effects of the chemo, I would gladly paid and accepted.

Lambeau our sweet lovable, orange ball obsessed, wiggle butt, food loving big mush is now free at the bridge chasing and squeaking every orange ball he can find. I think Nitshcke, Banks and him are bickering over who was Mom and Dads favorite and Banks will for sure be keeping him in line.

Thank you all for all the support, motivation, suggestions and most of all the love you have given to us over this last year and halfā€¦ it is immeasurable!

To anyone reading this and going through this hell ā€¦ I pray something of what I documented will help you in your journey.

To summarize Lambeauā€™s regiment:
  • Raw food
  • Turkey Tail mushrooms
  • Selenium
  • Iodine
  • Vitamins B12, D/K2 and E
  • Panacur
  • Turmeric
  • Goatā€™s milk
  • Gut soothe from adored beast
  • Milk Thistle
  • Frankincense and Myrrh - rubber on shoulder nodes
  • Love, love and more love
  • Spoil, spoil, spoil


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@2BullyMama Not been on here.Usually a rough time. Just checked, and it hit me like an arrow. I am SO HEART BROKEN. The little fella' fought so hard,gave such a good try, I really thought he was winning.I am actually broken for you and Lewis. You all have been through hell,and you GAVE it hell, and I really thought you and Lamb were going to win this battle. I pray for your broken heart, know that you gave all, and so did Lambeau. You are 2 wonderful parents who fought the best you or anyone could, and so did your brave,loving, handsome little fella'. The 3 of you fought harder than anyone could have. Rest in peace now,sweet Lambeau. Run free and painless little fella' You gave all you could.So did your parents šŸ’‘:heart:

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