Is he too old to be neutered?


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey guys. Roscoe is five. The vet I have been taking him too says that he's too old to neuter; that it would be 'pretty pointless'. But he has a lot of trouble with marking EVERYTHING. Also, not sure if this is TMI, but his 'man bits' are so big the chafe and get very red and sore.:eek:
What do you think? Is he too old?
Did he say why it would be useless?I think my first bully Bella was like 4 when we had her done. I always hear of all the health benifits from having it done. Maybe he meant it won't stop the marking at this point, but there are other benifits health wise..
I think he was referring to the marking. I've always heard what great benefits there are in neutering, so I can't imagine it would be completely pointless.
The marking at this point is not just instinct but also habit. Neutering will not stop it. That is just going to take a lot of work on your part. There are some health benefits but there are also risks as with any surgery performed on a bully . It really is a personal choice, I do know of a 9 year old rescue who was neutered. I would do some research and think about why you want it done and go from there.
One of our dogs who passed 8 years ago was neutered at the age of 6, he lived to almost 15 though. He was neutered to tame him down a bit but he never marked in the house. I doubt it would change his marking too until the habit is broke. One of things I've read is that ammonia is dog urine stays around so dogs are more likely to mark back in the same areas they did before. Lots of the cleaners out there are ammonia based too so the attraction still stays there. You could try a cleaner with a non-ammonia based like Simple Green Dog cleaner that you can get at the pet store. Neutering Nitro at 6 didn't change his personality at all. That's just my experience with neutering later. Good luck.
Isn't Rosco a rescue? I am very very suprised that a rescue of any kind didn't nueter him before adopting him out or have you sign a contract stating you would. Rescues will do just that regadrless of their age, they want to make sure the population control is enforced.

I don't see why the age would be an issue, surgeries take place at all ages.
They never really mentioned fixing him. I got him from Fentress County Forever Homes and they did have me sign a contract that he wouldn't be used for breeding when they came for their home inspection. Of course they also told me over the phone that, "He's a pit bull; we guess he's just really short one". Ahh small town charm.:lmao:

After reading some posts on here I think I'd rather take him to a vet with some bulldog experience anyway. I didn't know they could have bad reactions to the anesthesia.
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