If your bullie was a movie star ..........................


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
If your bullie was a Hollywood movie star .... what movie star would he/she be and why????? :D
I know I should probably go first ... but I'm still considering for Maggie!!

Daddy would be .... Jim Carrey. Long, sometimes out-of-control, limbs. Usually plays a goof-ball, or dumb-*** but always loveable!! Goofy smile. Farts alot ... oh wait, no that's just Daddy!
OK and now I believe I have Maggie.

Maggie is Bette Davis. Maggie is elusive on the surface (unless you're a stranger .. go figure) but it's the little things like always wanting to be with you and making sure she has contact with you or can see you wherever you are. Like a little shadow that likes to play aloof but the fact that you're not allowed to leave her sight gives it all away.
this is tough... i guess i would say kevin james because butler is lazy, silly, and really lovable.
this is tough... i guess i would say kevin james because butler is lazy, silly, and really lovable.

That is SUCH a good one ..............!!! :lol: I had never thought about it, but yes Kevin James IS a human bulldog!!!!
I don't guess this is exactly a movie star, but Gertie would be Dennis the Menace. She is a stinker, into trouble all the time. Ida would be Shirley Temple, just cause she's so darned cute and sweet. (She doesn't sing and dance tho).
I'd say Orion would be Shannon Dougherty. She's also a PITA and no one wants to work with her. But...I'm sure under all the bitchiness..Shannon (like O) is a pure Diva and a total sweetheart. (when she has all the attention and gets what she wants)
Vegas would be Matthew McConaughey. Sexy and skinny and a swagger to match his attitude.
lex would be jim belushi. he thinks everything has to be brought to him and loves watching tv
this is tough... i guess i would say kevin james because butler is lazy, silly, and really lovable.

[MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION] OMG so funny, before I even got down to your comment that was what I was going to say! I watch King Of Queens on a regular basis and that is so Samson! Well more the character Doug Heffernan! Loves to chill on the couch watching TV and pigging out. Yet at times will get some energy for things he loves to do. Is a total sweetheart but can be a total brat at times :)

[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] PERFECT choices!!!!!!
Chester.. about the only thing that comes close, and not sure if it counts as "movie star" - Fred Flintstone :eek:
I think Jozi would be the
whole cast of "The Dream Team".
She shows traits of all of them at
one point of the day or another.
:Great choices everyone

I can't think of a good one Bear is both lazy and hyper likes to play fight and is super funny and dramatic the closest already listed would be jim Carrey. I got to think on this one some more:confused::confused:
I :heart: this!!!! My husband and I play this game with all the furbabies in the family! Winston is also a Kevin James...its funny everyone else sees that similarity too!! :lol: Hitch is Jim Carrey because he mades us laugh and has the best facial expressions. Layla is Jennifer Lopez. She is a little bootylicious diva! Mookie the bullies' 13 yr old Pomeranian brother is Gary Busy...no explanation needed. :p
My Mom's dogs are George Burns, Layla Ali, and Lindsey Lohan
Chester.. about the only thing that comes close, and not sure if it counts as "movie star" - Fred Flintstone :eek:

[MENTION=1621]bfletch13[/MENTION] The Dream Team is a great movie with great characters!!! I can see Bear as them also.

Gosh I am so unoriginal I am just stumped.

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