How do Docs code BOAS surgery? (for insurance purposes)


New member
Nov 3, 2020
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi - I'm getting things in order to take Zelda to have BOAS surgery. I've been quoted 4500 and I'm double checking her insurance to make sure most of it will be covered. How have vet facilities and doctors worded it for anyone that has gone through this (in the US)? I'm looking at her policy and not seeing anything for "stenotic nares" "soft palate" "BOAS"... nothing along these lines. I'm hoping to get a good chunk of the money back, but have to pay upfront for it. And money it tight. So I just want to make sure I've done all I can on my part to know what to expect money-wise. Thanks in advance.
Here's a pic of Zelda since I've never uploaded one yet. Sorry it's so big - haven't figured out that part yet LOL.
She's the best turd in the world :)
WOW Zelda is gorgeous!
My Frenchie had all this done in 2017 and the invoice has "upper airway surgery group"

Keep us posted and sending lots of prayers all goes well for her procedure
WOW Zelda is gorgeous!
My Frenchie had all this done in 2017 and the invoice has "upper airway surgery group"

Keep us posted and sending lots of prayers all goes well for her procedure
Thanks so much for your help! I will search her documents and hopefully that's not under the "not covered part". I'm so freaking nervous but have put it off long enough. She needs it for sure. She'll be 3 in December. But it hasn't been a major issue until now. I notice it more when she's excited and when we walk. So I feel like it's now or never. I also don't want her to get much older and put her through surgery. So gotta get it done!
Zelda is beautiful! I’ve never had this done but you could try showing all of the options to the vet and ask them what to put down on the claim form.
Zelda is beautiful! I’ve never had this done but you could try showing all of the options to the vet and ask them what to put down on the claim form.
Thanks! - the insurance will contact the hospital directly for all the paperwork. So it's out of my hands. But after looking over all of her documents - I should get most of it back since we are way past her deductible being met.
When she had to stay in the ER for pneumonia for 36 hrs - it cost 1600 and I got 1200 back. So I'm hoping this will be along the same lines.
I would just call and ask the insurance directly - but I'm paranoid to give them a chance to mark it as "preexisting" LOL

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