Hi :)


New member
Aug 16, 2019
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all :newhere:, I'm a first time EB mummy&any hints, tips, tricks, advice etc would be really grateful. Stanley's nearly 15weeks old&doing really well. Also any advice on how to get/train him to go up&down the stairs. Thanks :)
Hi all :newhere:, I'm a first time EB mummy&any hints, tips, tricks, advice etc would be really grateful. Stanley's nearly 15weeks old&doing really well. Also any advice on how to get/train him to go up&down the stairs. Thanks :)


There is so much advice in here you will be reading for a year’s worth. At the right hand side there is a search button, simply type in what you’re looking for it will bring you to the threads. Or ask us your specific question. We like photos would be great to see your puppy. :)

BTW he’ll go up the stairs but still young to go down. You might want to carry him so he does pull anything.
Hi and welcome :) Greatest place you've found. enjoy
Welcome to EBN!!

Agreed.. no down stairs till at least 6 months due to bones still growing

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Welcome! Let’s see some photos!

I third the no going stairs.

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Thanks everyone! I did think it was abit early for him to be going down but thought I'd still ask. I've uploaded some photos and all of your babies are GORGEOUS btw :loveeyes::loveeyes:
Welcome!!! You will find lots of good info here. Re pictures, when you post, click on the image in the bar that looks like a tree in a box and it will let you upload your pictures into your posts for all to see!

Ah, I just checked your profile and see you made an album! I also see the dreaded words "Royal Canin"! Sorry, not a good food at all. You can do a search for foods that are recommended or just ask here. I don't have a puppy so can't help there.
Thanks everyone! I did think it was abit early for him to be going down but thought I'd still ask. I've uploaded some photos and all of your babies are GORGEOUS btw :loveeyes::loveeyes:

Like [MENTION=13737]1Chumly[/MENTION] said Royal Canin is a no-no...UK has Acana. Go for that! One protein per bag, start with the lamb one n rotate after each bag to a new flavour. You’ll avoid health issues down the road!!

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