Hi new today,i have a 3 month old fur baby,and was wondering any tips on how to clean his tail pocket cheers.

I’ve been using fractionated coconut oil, lavender, tea tree, lemongrass essential oils. (DoTerra online) I modified my recipe as I use to add more other oils. Not necessary.

FCO 4oz
lavender 10 drops
lemongrass 6 drops
tea tree 6 drops

Shake well n seriously, very well, add to an unscented baby wipe n clean.
Been doing this for over 7yrs with Nyala’s tail pocket.
Was amputation or oils. I opt for oils. Never had issues.
My girls don’t have tail pockets but because of the war their tails lay, sometimes it gets a little yucky/yeasty underneath so when that happens I use Helene’s EO recipe above.
I use chlorohexidine wipes that I make. and if it ever gets yucky I use neo-predef. sometimes I powder with white winkle
I use witch hazel on a cotton pad

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