Healthy recipes?


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
Ok its the new year so I am looking up my healthy recipes and starting making them more often. We need more variety that is easy and healthy. Anyone have some good ones?!?!
I'll look to see what I have when I get home. The recipes I keep tend to be the bad ones LOL. I think I'm boring because when I do my "healthy" cooking it's super simple. I cook a meat like chicken, steak, etc, then a healthier starch like canned whole black beans seasoned or rice and then a GOOD vegetable like broccoli. Broccoli is my favorite and its really filling so I load up on the vegetables, a small portion of the starchy side and just an average size portion of meat. I'll look at my recipes when I get home though. [MENTION=390]cali~jenn[/MENTION] is there any style of food you guys don't like? I know the healthy recipes I tend to find are "asian inspired." I really need to try to cook better too, I worry about both Dave and I because heart disease runs in his family and mine. Like guess whats for dinner tonight, I have beef strognaff in the crock pot at home! Not a healthy choice! It has probably been torturing the pups all day LOL
No not the healthiest but OH SO YUMMY! :) We like everything also I think. I also go into my chicken mode and make the sides like you but that is why I stop eating healthy I think cuz it gets boring. I do have a few yummy recipes that are healthy but I need more. lol. I am more of a casserole or skillet type of person, or crock pot. I guess easy is the key part in those. :p
Oh yeah I LOVE beef strognaff, always been a fav of mine! The crockpot beef stew I make is healthy. I know that one by heart. A lb of stew meat, can of diced stewed tomatoes, that little bag of baby carrots (think its a lb), a small onion chopped, 2 cans of beef broth, garlic, pepper. The recipe calls for potatoes, can't remember how many, my guess would be 2-3 tops. When I make it on a work day I don't even bother with the potatoes because I don't have time to chop that in the morning and they will brown if I do it the night before. Then just all day in the crock pot.

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