Green Grass???


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Denver PA
Bulldog(s) Names
Jack , Dolly, Grizz, Peggy Sue, and Scrimps
Being the mum of 5 bulldogs, and since it's been the worst heat wave that I can remember, I'm wondering.........Will my grass ever turn Green again? :nope: And, does anyone have a tip to keep pee spots from turning into hot spots in the yard? For the future? :whew:
I have heard about different things to stop pee spots from burning grass..most if not all require an additive to dogs vinegar in drinking water..etc! I can't tell you for sure though..just wanted you to know..I feel your pain! Lol
With 5 bullies..I'm surprised you actually have any grass left!!
Sorry no help here, but I'm so amazed that you've been able to keep up with 5 bullies! :)
You can try just dumping some fresh water on them. It is actually the Ph of the urine that does that. Good luck and you must be tired from all of those bullies! lol
No help here but I have found my brown spots are from their poo not so much the pee. BUT I have boys and have heard that girls are worse in killing the grass. I agree with 5 good luck! haha
I have my hubby to thank for picking up the poo everyday and landscaping and keeping it very healthy and chemical free for our pack. The heat wave keeps us all inside except for potty calls. Our nightly walks are not happening, our fun outside is not happening. Just too darn hot ! I'm thinking all the dead grass and dust from it can't be good for them. We've had no rain for a long time. So every morning and every night I take a large wet bath towel, wipe and then dry them down. That really makes them feel good. Three of them line up for it.
I have heard about the water on the pee spots before, but I don't think I could keep up with that. lol
Guess I was just hoping, maybe there was some miracle treatment I haven't heard of yet.
@Sherry, which one of them is it in your Avatar? Do you have pics of the others?
That is Griz, the yonugest male, he is still intact, the only one . I have more pictures on my profile page in the albums, I will have to put more recent ones in.
I have heard putting water on the pee spots help, but with 5 myself it's almost impossible to keep up with. I read an article from Texas A&M that its the high concentration of nitrogen in the pee that causes the problem and they suggested watering it down also. So I live with brown spots too.
We just got rid of the grass. Gracie does just fine going on the mulch. She isn't even interested in walking over to the small area of grass we do have left.
My neighbor breeds pitbulls and what he does is puts a little Apple cider vinegar in his dog's water bowls or a tablesppon of ketchup in their food. It changes the PH level in the dogs urine....No stains on grass.

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