Flea and Tick Treatment

I hate using any kind of chemical treatment if I can help it, and usually wait until I see a flea before I start putting stuff on them. I have never heard of lemon juice and water though!!!

[MENTION=4225]Twice[/MENTION] Do you have the water boiling BEFORE you put in the lemon? Also, do you keep anything that's left over, and if you do does it need to be stored in the fridge??
I boil the water before, then soak the lemons in it overnight. I don't know if you're supposed to keep it in the fridge but I do. The bottled stuff has to be refridgerated so I guess the boiled stuff would too.
Thanks ... I think I'd keep it in the fridge too. Need to remember to buy a spray bottle next time I'm out!!
We don't normally have an issue with fleas. But ticks are suppose to be really bad this year due to the warm winter. When we took Pan for his yearly shots the vet said they have a vaccine for ticks which he recommended because we are so active outdoors.

So far we've seen one tick, but it wasn't on the dog!

Whatever you decide keep in mind that ticks love tall grass, so keep your lawn cut, they don't jump but they wait for their victims to come to them, and to check your babies after they've been outside.

PS I'm loving the lemon juice tip!
Just a note that Advantage multi does nothing for ticks. Fleas, hookworm, heartworm preventitive, but nothing for ticks. I found this out AFTER I bought a year's worth, applied it once and still pulled 4 ticks off of Max in 2 weeks. :nope: I am looking for something else to use, but also hate doing chemicals. We've gone for extended periods of time untreated and have not ever had fleas.
Our vet gave us a sample of Revolution that we used, but I'm not sold yet as we've found one tick on here within a week of applying it. The topical stuff did not work with our Olde English, especially Frontline, so we switched to Comfotis and never had problems. Ellie Mae goes for her 2nd set of shots tomorrow, so I may ask for other recommendations.

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