Few spring photos


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)

Jake you giving me a stink eye??

I said..Jaaaake dont pee on the BBQ...THEN next thing you know he flops on the ground pretends to lay there..
Love the pics! Looks like a gorgeous day to play outside and enjoy the sun . Beautiful babies .

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Love the pictures!!
Itā€™s been soooooo hot and humid here already!! And itā€™s not even Somme yet! [emoji23][emoji1787]

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Love the pictures!!
Itā€™s been soooooo hot and humid here already!! And itā€™s not even Somme yet! [emoji23][emoji1787]
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Summers here is like 18-27cel.. summers are not that hot but yes we will get some days of 30.. rare though. I shouldnā€™t say that. Watch it be a hot one loll.
Lovely pictures! And I see you have pulsatillas! They have overblown here but we have the stunning seed thingies.
A few years ago I was at a beautiful house for sale n the owner had them in front of the house. I just fell in love with them. I have never seen them anywhere in all my gardening decades. I took a picture n start to look for them throughout Alberta. Months later I found 2. Grabbed them immediately n here they are. When I move I can guarantee you they are coming with me. Thereā€™s actually at least 5 plants coming with me. I have a ā€œlady slipperā€œ that too is a must to bring. They grow along the highway in federal parks. Illegal to touch anything in fed parks.. My neighbour gave me one. I will look for [MENTION=14995]sisters3[/MENTION] thread of gardening n will post.
Happy babies!! Enjoying some nice sunshine and getting their vitamin D
Absolutely LOVE the pictures they are amazing!!!

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Great dogs and great photos! Guess Jake gave up, in last pic.!

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