Does your Bully like to have their nails trimmed?

Does your Bully like their nails trimmed?

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Mar 24, 2010
Orange Park,FL
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I thought it would be fun to see how many bullies like their nails trimmed. Mr.Beefy would be a NO!!! He tried to bite my finger off when the clippers made a "crunch" sound...:curse:
Chief is good about it but since his are all black I have the vet do it. Ireland I have no clue yet lol.. hers are all white and I may attempt it my self but more then likely will take her to the vet too.. I wont let any of my dogs go to petsmart ago for any grooming needs.. We had a bad experience with one of our danes there and I just dont trust them any more..
Stig doesn't mind it, but we've never done his. Right now, his doggy daycare owner takes care of them. We have a nail grinder but we're still trying to get him to get used to it. He always barks whenever it's on :eek:.
Prinicess Gracie goes to Petsmart for a Petacure. She could care less one way or the other. :)
Every time I do Fred's nails i give him the clippers to chew on,that way he thinks it's a big treat. But still we have to run through the Apt. twice before he will wait .
We've had the vet, Petco and my oldest daughter do Gertie and Ida's nails so far. We bought a grindler, but haven't used it yet. We need to try it out and get them used to it!
Winston and Hitch love to get their nails done. Winston will offer his paw and when your done with it he will give you the other. He sits on his booty on the sofa (In true Winston fashion, with his weiner out) so I can get his back feet. Layla on the other hand wants nothing to do with it...not even for a treat
We've taken Gracie to Pet Smart so far. They tell us she's been perfect for having them do it. So we're thinking of trying to do them ourselves with a dremal because at $20.00 a pop we could buy a lotta sweaters for her in a year to make up the difference. :)
[MENTION=355]gatorfan85[/MENTION], Vegas is a big hell NO!!! he has all black nails that grow very fast, he goes to Petsmart about every 3 weeks, and gets clipped and dremeled, for $11.00, the first time we took him the girl took him back as we watched, she then ask for "assistance" so another girl came, then had to ask again for assistance, it took 3 girls, with him on the table. Now when I take him I always warn them and tell them it will take more than one person, they kind of laugh and think "whatever" but as I stand and wait.... I see more and more coming to assist, lol, they defiantely earn that 11 bucks with him!!
[MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION], wow our Pets Smart only charges $11.00 for clip and dremel, not $20.00, there is NO WAY I would even attempt to try this at home!!!!
Winston and Hitch love to get their nails done. Winston will offer his paw and when your done with it he will give you the other. He sits on his booty on the sofa (In true Winston fashion, with his weiner out) so I can get his back feet. Layla on the other hand wants nothing to do with it...not even for a treat

[MENTION=939]NikkiSchoolcraft[/MENTION], every time you post about Winston's weiner... I die laughing like a 12 year old!! My husband just ask me what was cracking me up and I told him about Winston!! I am glad Vegas don't do that but I am glad Winston does just for the laugh!!!!:lol:
Rocky simply HATES the clippers. When he sees it, I have to chase him around haha
I can't trim his nail with it cuz he don't allow or let me.
So what I do is, I just used a nail file. His nail never gets too long, it's just I need to smooth out the edges.
He loves it! Or maybe I'm mistakenly think cuz when I filed his nail, there's a treat right on his face hahahahaahha
Bruce just corrected me and told me its actually $17.00 for the paw-de-cure...they check/clean the ears at the same time I guess. But then I wipe out her ears when I wipe her face wrinkles so I'm not sure they're doing anything I'm not already doing there.

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