Does my Bulldog SLEEP to much ....?


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Jun 6, 2010
Toms River, New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Maximus is a real lazy much so that most days he is asleep until 4:30pm - 5:00pm. He literally sleeps all day. And that means he doesn't Eat, he doesn't Drink, he doesn't Pee or Poop and he won't Eat if you offer him something, including a treat. He eats his Dog Food sometimes as late as 9:00PM. I find this quite unusual and odd, and I don't know if this is normal
behavior for Bulldogs.

Does anyone have similar experiences ?
LOL... a bulldog that sleeps too much -- I do not think they exist. My guys sleep from 9:30 PM till 5:30 AM... then they are back to sleep from 7:00AM till 4:00 PM. Essentially, they are awake for roughly 6 hours a day!
My bulldog is the same way! All he does is sleep! I swear he sleeps 20 hours a day, and he'd sleep more if it weren't for him riding to preschool with me everyday to drop off & pick up the human kids. And even riding in the car he'll curl up on the seat & knock out sometimes. I stay home w/ the kids & other than them spending a few hours at preschool a week, or us going on playdates, we're pretty much always at home. So he's not lonely or bored... there's no shortage of entertainment around this circus. The only thing that lights his fire is playing ball in the backyard, & those sessions can't be too long... we're at the end of summer in Georgia & it has been H-O-T as hades. He loves going on walks but again, it's been way too hot to have him out walking too long.
I'm getting ready to start my dogs eating raw, which can boost their energy from what I understand, so we shall see!
Bullie has 2 modes. Off and On. And yeah, she can't last too long in the On mode... 6 hours is about as much as she can do.

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