Coughing & Throwup


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Woke up around 3AM to Dozer coughing and gave me quite a scare! I stayed with him until it passed and then he threw up a bunch of white stuff with some of his food inside....eventually it passed and he went back to sleep but he woke up a few more times doing it, although he didnt throw up. We are taking him to the vet today and I am so scared for my little buddy.

I did a lot of google searching and it turns out that this is either expected for a young puppy (12 weeks old) or it's unexpected. He has been on amoxicilin for a little over a week now and he needs 1 more shot which we were supposed to get this Saturday....should I be worried???

I heard it could be a reaction to something. The only thing I could think of is a new cleaner we have been using to clean up the floors in the house. Its an oxy type cleaner with baking soda that we got at Petco. I dont know what else it could be. We havnt changed his food or anything. I know we will be going to the vet but I really need to calm my mind...anyone here experience this before?
Hi [MENTION=4363]BrooklynStar[/MENTION] hang in there. Not sure about the coughing but just want you to know when my girl was a pup she threw up all the time (seemed like it anyway). Is there anything new in the house that could have stressed him out? For example when we moved homes Poppy was a wreck. But it could be something as little as a family member being away. Just throwing ideas out there since nothing is new for him and I know you haven't taken him outside yet. Could just be a fluke. Don't worry too much yet, he will sense your stress.

Let us know how the vet goes!
I agree with Poppy. You're doing the right thing by going to the vet, keep us posted. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you....

I will keep you guys seems like a dry cough or to better explain it someone who is trying to cough up phlegm or sounds sort of like that. There is nothing I could think of as to why he would be throwing up. We havnt changed anything in our routine...the only thing I can think of is the new cleaner OR when my dad came in he didnt take his shoes off and Dozer licked his shoes a few times before my dad was able to get away...that sounds silly but could that have sickened him??
Nothing more to add, other than you are doing the right thing by going to the vet. Will watch for an update :) Good luck!
Change his food. Heff used to do that until we found the right type of food for him. He still does it but not as often nor as much. I think when they sleep everything relaxes and they just get a mucus build up in them and wake up hacking.
Change his food. Heff used to do that until we found the right type of food for him. He still does it but not as often nor as much. I think when they sleep everything relaxes and they just get a mucus build up in them and wake up hacking.

He's been on this food since we got him, which is about 2 weeks ago, and he never had any problem. Is it normal for his body to reject the food all this time later? We are going to the vet at 11:15AM. He threw up 3 more times since he woke up :(
I agree with all the post! You are doing the best thing by going to the vet! It could be a number of different things! I will definalty be checking on an update! Hope Dozer feels better!
sounds like allergies. sarah does this sometimes. i give her a benadryl when she stops and she doesnt do it anymore. can be environmental doesnt have to be the food i dont think. she does it more in the summertime than winter. ok so i missed the part about 3 more throw ups. i would def see the vet and let us know what the they say.
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Just got back from the vet...they said he has a cough and took a chest xray which showed inflammation of the throat. They gave us more anti biotics and told us to run a hot shower in the bathroom to make it steamy and then sit with him in the bathroom (not in the shower) and let him breath in the moist air...and then they sent us on our way! Im not really happy with this vet and will make the hike out to the recomended one in staten island at a later date. I hope he gets better i've been crying all day.

P.S The x ray also showed a lot of undigested food in his belly. After he eats he likes to run around and play but I am going to make sure that after he does eat he just relaxes in order to digest his food better. thanks everyone
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Just got back from the vet...they said he has a cough and took a chest xray which showed inflammation of the throat. They gave us more anti biotics and told us to run a hot shower in the bathroom to make it steamy and then sit with him in the bathroom (not in the shower) and let him breath in the moist air...and then they sent us on our way! Im not really happy with this vet and will make the hike out to the recomended one in staten island at a later date. I hope he gets better i've been crying all day.

P.S The x ray also showed a lot of undigested food in his belly. After he eats he likes to run around and play but I am going to make sure that after he does eat he just relaxes in order to digest his food better. thanks everyone

How long has he been on antibiotics and how long is the new cycle of meds? Just wondering because they kill a lot of the good bacteria in the stomach and a long round might be taking it's toll on his belly.

Yes make sure he is calm after eating food for at least 30 mins. It causes upset stomach and vomiting. Here is some info on bloat:

Did the vet say the inflammation in the throat was from vomiting or is it related to the cough? So sorry you did not get clear answers... Find a vet that you are comfortable with.

Don't be upset, Dozer will get better :) We've all had our share of worrying about puppies. They are so resilient.
How long has he been on antibiotics and how long is the new cycle of meds? Just wondering because they kill a lot of the good bacteria in the stomach and a long round might be taking it's toll on his belly.

Yes make sure he is calm after eating food for at least 30 mins. It causes upset stomach and vomiting. Here is some info on bloat:

Did the vet say the inflammation in the throat was from vomiting or is it related to the cough? So sorry you did not get clear answers... Find a vet that you are comfortable with.

Don't be upset, Dozer will get better :) We've all had our share of worrying about puppies. They are so resilient.

Thanks for the well wishes!

He has been on Amoxicilin since Saturday 2/ pill a they said to up it to two times a day. The vet said that the inflamation in the throat was due to the cough :shrug:

I hope my little buddy is resilient...ever since I mentioned that I got my puppy from a pet store and that one user told me "good luck Dozer already has the odds stacked against him" I have been really upset and freaking out. I dont want a sick dog who will become my best friend only to have him die on me :( I know all pets die but I want him to have a long happy and healthy life...
Hey sorry to hear he isn't feeling well! I would suggest getting a secede opinion bc it sounds as if he may have kennel cough which can in turn lead to other respiratory illnesses! Make sure he is drinking lots of fluids and make a second opinion when you can! Hoping the medicine works and he gets better soon! My mom rescued 3 dogs from pet stores that were shut down and all 3 had it an it sounds the same as ur describing. I dont want to scare you just wanted to give some info

I am here:,-74.276258
Hey sorry to hear he isn't feeling well! I would suggest getting a secede opinion bc it sounds as if he may have kennel cough which can in turn lead to other respiratory illnesses! Make sure he is drinking lots of fluids and make a second opinion when you can! Hoping the medicine works and he gets better soon! My mom rescued 3 dogs from pet stores that were shut down and all 3 had it an it sounds the same as ur describing. I dont want to scare you just wanted to give some info

I am here:,-74.276258

Yes, we are def going to get a second opinion. I leave the water out for him but he doesnt drink can I make him drink it?
I did not know he was from a pet store, this does change things because we don't know what the conditions were and if the other puppies were sick. I would also get a second opinion.

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