Can anyone recommend a good peroxide/oatmeal based shampoo?

Tiffany B

New member
Mar 7, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Rollie and Cash
I took Rollie to the vet today for a gunky eye & allergy shot, and he has been losing hair in spots/ with crusty places and the vet recommended a peroxide based shampoo and said I could get it anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks :) since I am feeding taste of the wild now, he said it's a great food and he also uses it (that made me feel good about my food choice!)
They have it at petsmart, that's what we bathe lexter in
What brand is it? Pet smart is 1 & 1/2 hr drive from where I live. But have have been searching the net for something good, that I could order. only have a walmart close
I am surprised your vet did not carry the shampoo? I get Vegas's shampoo from our vet it is an anti-fungal, yeast shampoo, his skin and fur are very soft and it stopped his shedding by at least 80% (plus he is on a good diet) Do you have any pet stores closer to you? I would get on the phone and be calling to save time and gas money.
the vet is close to my house, I'll stop monday on my way home. I live in the country. He said I could get some from him, or I can get it anywhere, because it's cheaper. He just said get a peroxide based shampoo. I told him I have been using malaseb, he didn't recommend using it all the time. I was there for an hour, and we talked about all kinds of issues. I didn't even ask how much it was. Rollie is so loud (heavy breather) when we go, the vet said he always knows when Rollie arrives.. Lol
I will look Tom when we get back to the house. We are at a friends out in bfe and my Internet in phone is slow so lol...
What's this Shampoo that your using that reduces shedding by 80%? I want to buy it!
sporalD is also a great shampoo milder than malaseb you can get it online,i get mine from amazon,karen
I can't really answer the question because I don't use store-bought shampoo. I just thought to share with you the shampoo I use - for when your bulldog's skin gets all straightened out and you transition back to regular shampoo.

I make my own shampoo. I have a bichon frise and he has ultra high maintenance hair - which means I have to wash him often because his hair gets all kinds of dirt from playing in the yard/park. If I use store-bought shampo he would all get dried out for sure. So, I got this "bichon bubbles" shampoo recipe from the bichon forum and it works wonders, is mild and hypo-allergenic.


22 oz. Ivory Dish Detergent
2 oz glycerine (from walgreens or CVS)
2 cups white vinegar
Mix with water to make 1 gallon mixture.

It's a watery mixture and isn't sudsy which is cool because having sudsy soap in bichon hair is a pain in the neck to rinse off.

Anyway, I've been using this same formula for my bulldog too and she's doing good on it.

Here's an article on the formula just to back it up (that even professionals use it): Grooming: Part le deux: skin health and shampoo « Ruffly Speaking: Railing against idiocy since 2004
Thanks @ karenben & @ anatess. I'll have to try your suggestions. My vet also said dawn was great to use, when I didn't need to use the medicated shampoo
I took Rollie to the vet today for a gunky eye & allergy shot, and he has been losing hair in spots/ with crusty places and the vet recommended a peroxide based shampoo and said I could get it anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks :) since I am feeding taste of the wild now, he said it's a great food and he also uses it (that made me feel good about my food choice!)

We buy at Walmart..... Oster Oatmeal Naturals, Shed Control with natural Safflower liquids and Vitamin B5 to reduce shedding.
It's good enough for a Princess.... :heart::heart::heart: ( it doesnt say that on the label, but should) :rofl:
I just started Molly on a brand called "Earthbath" Oatmeal and Aloe shampoo. So far no irritation to her skin and she smells good too. IMG_0499.jpg

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