Bullet is marking in my house!


New member
Jan 15, 2011
NE Indiana
Bulldog(s) Names
Bullet {booboo}
Ok, i'm trying to research and figure out why he would start marking in my house. i only actually have proof that he done it once (this morning) but i've found two other "drizzle marks" in the last few days and they have a different smell then normal potty accidents. :down:

this morning i was getting a shower and i had shut the door (i usually leave it open and he, most always, sits next to the tub while i shower. i had it shut as my sister was over and the kiddos were in the other room. well, evidentally he stood outside the bathroom door and "pee'd" (this is per the kids kocking on my door and telling me). when i came out i noticed it had a weird smell that i had smelt in the last few days and the same wet drizzle marks in about a 3ft stretch. :mad: it smells so strong that i have to use diluted vinegar and soap to clean the area and just let it air dry. i found two other spots, one by the front door and another in the center of our family room.

i am trying to figure out if he was jealous as i have been watching my new baby nephew for a couple days and i do not allow Bullet up on the sofa with me while he is here. i don't ignore him and i share the baby (well, let him sniff the baby on occasion when he comes up to check him out). i have to rule out my other dog as he is older and really lets Bullet do whatever he wants, so i don't think he is a threat.

i'm EXTRA frustrated as i have been wanting new flooring since Christmas and we were fortunate to get Bullet at the beginning of the year so i figured we could give it a few months to learn his potty habits and make sure he was well trained. well, he was and i have been picking out carpet, etc...now he does this?! :*(

any suggestions? experiences?
I'd say it is probably an I need attention stunt....having all the company......in his territory......he wants to make sure he's the Alpha dog. Is he neutered?
If not.....I'd strongly reccommend it. Because it will eliminate his Alpha testerone tendencies.
[MENTION=1645]Mike Blaylock[/MENTION] he is not neutered, yet. a couple things are being looked into before i do get him fixed (possibly showing and also a strong request from the initial breeder for a one time stud service (i REALLY would like another Bullet...even though he is stinking up my carpet, lol)). :whistle:
Well I agree it is most likely due to the change in the house the last few days. My boys have been known to mark here and there and now in their older age they could care less to bother with it inside anyhow~thankfully. I know they make those belly bands that are supposed to help greatly if this becomes a new habit. Also make sure you get rid of the smell from previous markings cuz once it is there he will wanna remark it again. I know they have the stuff from petsmart or wherever that gets rid of odor as well as stains. (cant think of the name right now) Hopefully once everything settles down he will stop. The worst is when you dont know until you move furniture to clean the carpets or something. Boys!
ugh. i plan to watch my new nephew once a week for a few hours. this should be interesting. :crazy: i THINK the vinegar/soap worked as i can't smell anything but i might look into some of those enzyme solutions if any oder comes back.
I agree! I know Silva loves a routine and gets very stressed out when it is off! When my girls went back to school in Sept she had such bad diarrhea she actually had to go on antibiotics. Also when we moved she wouldnt eat for 3 days! I would watch his cues and good luck!
Bear is marking too, walls, furniture, blankets, he even hiked up and peed on clothes hanging in my closet. I have to keep a constant eye on him and he won't be neutered so I guess I am in for it...

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