Bulldogs with Spinal Bifida


New member
Aug 7, 2010
Eagle River, Ak
Bulldog(s) Names
Cleo, Biggy, Pickles, Deebo, Hoss
Hello all,

I was wondering if there is anyone else out there that has a Bully that has Spinal Bifida and it what way does if effect your Bully?

Thank you,

Hi Linda, great question. I myself do not but I have shared this on facebook, other bulldog owners would be your best resource. Hope we get some replies.
Vegas was tested for Spina Bifida. He was having trouble with his hind quarters so they ran a bunch of tests on him. Turns out he was suffering from Bromism. Too much of his seizure Med. Other than that I've never met anyone dealing with this. I'm very interested in the response also.
we've had a couple spina bifada puppies in rescue. weakness in da rear end. incontinent. prone to UTIs if dey hafta wear a diaper all da time. it depends on da severity.

here'z pumpkin as a puppy in rescue:


and today in her furever home:
When Baby T was first having his hip problems, they worse case scenario they gave me was spina bifida - characterized by weakness/lameness/dragging the hind quarters, incontinence, noticeable paralysis, etc. Because it is due to a malformed spinal cord, it is very serious and there is no treatment other than to make the dog as comfortable as possible - like wearing diapers like the cuties above - but if it is severe, the dog would likely not be able to have any kind of quality of life. Interestingly, this is a disease seen almost always in English Bulldogs and few other breeds.
I did some research on this today. I cannot believe I did not REALLY know what this was.

I found many on places such as 'yahoo answers' and other forums who discussed the main concern is giving the dog some 'breathing air' so they do not get yeast infections or tail infections.

Many use a playpen for sleeping at night, toss some blankets in, and so their dog could go diaper-less overnight. (and give their bottoms some 'breathing' time). They put new blankets in the bed each day, they launder the soiled blankets every other day. Many are pretty fiesty if someone even speaks of putting a dog with spina bifida to sleep, because they say it is a bit of extra work with laundry and diapering, and they need bathing more often, but for the most part, their dogs are just like any other dog.

I am sure there are differences in severity though, and probably what diet they are on, ect. would make a difference as well.
Moved this to bulldogs health to hopefully get more eyes on it. I have heard of owners of spinal bifida pups but dont really have any personal knowledge. Thumbs up to anyone who has the strength to take on a pup with it and I have to say there is absolutely NOTHING cuter than a pup in these diapers. ADORABULL!!!!!
Thanks to everybody who posted a response to this. At first the vet thought it could be an intestinal issue with him when he was a baby, but as he grow the issue never went away. When we took him in for his second set of shots the vet. was better able to determine that it was a mild case of spina bifida. (he can urinate, run, walk and play fine he just has incontinent stool.) His fur/skin would move and pull away from his body except just above his tail where it almost seemed like it was stuck to his back bone, this was how the vet was able to diagnose the spina bifida.

Champ, would you happen to still be in touch with the family of Pumpkin. We would love to know where they got the cute diapers for her to wear, we think they would work great for our boy.

Desertskybulldogs, thank you for taking the extra time to look further into the issue. We did the same thing when we were trying to find out the problem with our boy. It is a shame that some people would rather put down or give away the problem that they created (the breeder) rather then find a solution or a workable solution for the dog. The puppy didn't ask to be brought into this world and then deemed not worthy and put down or discarded. I'm not saying that in certain instances it isn't appropriate for that to happen, but when a puppy drops a poop in the house every once in awhile these are the things that can be dealt with.

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