Bulldog Health

Jefferson bulldogs

New member
Feb 7, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
IZA Diva & Lots 'O Dots
For our new bulldog owners, (NEVER FEED YOUR BULLDOG FOOD THAT HAS WHEAT, BEEF, OR CORN.)....bulldogs are very sensative and many have allergies to these products. I learned this the hard way...:D


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so what dog food is good for bulldogs. We were told that Royal Kanin with the bulldog on it. Someone told me it is made for them? is that good dog food?


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I feed checkers lamb and rice by nutro. I've heard its a good choice for bullies.he seems to like like it.


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Hi! I feed my Dahlila Iams Proactive. One of the Vets had recommended it. After readind the ingredients,I noticed that it has corn meal,and whole grain sorghum. Should I change her food?? She is only 7 months old and I want to fed her whatever is the best for her skin and health. Also,is there any supplement or vitamins that I should be giving her? Any info will help!! Thanks again!

Hi! I feed my Dahlila Iams Proactive. One of the Vets had recommended it. After readind the ingredients,I noticed that it has corn meal,and whole grain sorghum. Should I change her food?? She is only 7 months old and I want to fed her whatever is the best for her skin and health. Also,is there any supplement or vitamins that I should be giving her? Any info will help!! Thanks again!


Iams is not the best but it is not bad either. There are better foods out there of course, but iams is more convenient because it is distributed to grocery stores.

Nuvet plus is the best supplement you can give. Go to the our sponsors page to get it, not available in stores.

If you do decide to change food, do it slowly over a period of a week. Otherwise your bully will get tummyache and the "squirts".
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Good Food

I feed my girls Nutro Lamb and Rice, but Royal Canine is also very good. The best thing to do is read the ingredients...make sure there is NO corn, wheat, wheat flour, wheat germ. The best thing to feed your bulldog is lamb as for meat. Beef and chicken is more difficult for them to digest. Also check your bulldog's treat ingredients. It takes time but its well worth it. I was feeding my girls regular dog food and Diva had an allergic reaction and started losing hair, when I switched to Nutro Lamb & Rice she made a speedy recovery and has never looked better. But even when your buying Nutro products read the ingredients because some of their products have wheat.
That is what my Taz eats, it has worked great for him. I especially like the Royal Canin website where they explain the difference between bulldogs and other dogs digestive system.
cool! this has helped us. because the lady who we got our bully from feeds him Bentifull(sp). and i have been told that beef isn't good for them and that they need lamb and other things. I have always e-mailed some breeders around washington and they have giving me so much information. and i was looking at and reading all the dog food at PetSmart and came arcosse Royal Canin, and had everything i was looking for and that it was good for bullies.


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GOOD CHOICE, we have decided to add Royal Canin to our dog's diet as well as Nutro. So far so good. Not a good choice for puppies though because the nibblets are so big. For puppies I recommend Nutro Lamb & Rice (Small Bites) Its perfect for puppies.
so my bullie, is almost full on Royal Canin now, shall i mix in Nutro into his diet as well to? or just keep him on Royal Canin?
so my bullie, is almost full on Royal Canin now, shall i mix in Nutro into his diet as well to? or just keep him on Royal Canin?

You should mix the two foods together for about a week. Slowly transfer from one food to the other, otherwise they can get a bad tummy-ache, diarherra, ect. So definately give him some of his Nutro as well. Best to mix it up in the bowl though.
Royal Canin should be good for an adult diet...my girls love Nurto Lamb & Rice so I mix it.


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yeah i noticed that they are bigger, and wouldn't be good for a puppy. but royal canin nibblets has slowed down Pacs eatting. we have a speaical bowl for him so he would eat his food so fast. but with royal canin he is slower with it. then he was with his last food. but we have notice that his poo has gotten harder, he use to thave really soft poo. We are going to get some vitamins for him on payday. which we where told it helps with poo and his health. so yeah. I have studie bullies, but its sooo different to raise one, just like another dog. but we love it. can't wait to get a female or a lest another one!

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