Bulldog Art from photos of our Dudley


Active member
Mar 30, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Dudley (2015-2020) Wesley 2021
Just thought i would post some of the Artwork I've done using some of the photos of Dudley we've taken. A couple are when he was only a year old and the others are more recent, he's 3 in December. See what you think? :)

Dudley1.jpg Dudley4.jpg Dudley2.jpg Dudley3.jpg Dudley5.jpg
Dudley1_BW.jpg Dudley4_Blue.jpg Dudley2_BW.jpg Dudley3_Vader.jpg Dudley5_Target.jpg
Dudley1_UnionJack.jpg Dudley4_Pink.jpg


  • Dudley1_BW.jpg
    141.5 KB · Views: 137
  • Dudley1_UnionJack.jpg
    256.9 KB · Views: 147
  • Dudley4_Blue.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 144
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE!! Of course you have a very handsome model,too!
These are awesome!! Love the Bark Vader!!

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Wow!!! great stuff!!!
OMG! So happy to see Sir Dudley! He is one of the most perfect bulldogs I’ve ever seen in my life, and I couldn’t resist but saved his photo at the beach a year ago on my computer! And even re-posted this photo for someone at the forum as an example of perfect bulldog proportions! Please, post Sir Dudley more often! Love him! And artwork is beautiful, too! Thank you for sharing!
OMG! So happy to see Sir Dudley! He is one of the most perfect bulldogs I’ve ever seen in my life, and I couldn’t resist but saved his photo at the beach a year ago on my computer! And even re-posted this photo for someone at the forum as an example of perfect bulldog proportions! Please, post Sir Dudley more often! Love him! And artwork is beautiful, too! Thank you for sharing!

Thanks everyone for the lovely comments and thanks Lala :) Nice to hear you remember him, to be fair he is too big to forget! and no we havent bred him, i would like to but my wife is a little hesitant because we have heard of occasions when it has changed the dogs character afterwards? Not sure if anyone else has experienced this? Of course the other problem would be convincing my wife that we could not possibly afford to keep one of the puppies :D I will try and get online more often with more photos. As we all know ALL bully photos are perfect ! :)
What great pictures! I love the Union Jack one (not that I am biased!).

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