Breathing to fast


New member
Nov 20, 2022
United Kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi all. We have just gotten a 12 week old bulldog puppy. I'm worried he is breathing too fast when he is sleeping? Trying to upload a video but it won't let me.
Any advise would be appreciated
Thank you :)
Hi all. We have just gotten a 12 week old bulldog puppy. I'm worried he is breathing too fast when he is sleeping? Trying to upload a video but it won't let me.
Any advise would be appreciated
Thank you :)
We would need to see a video if you can upload a video.

He could have airway issues(elongated soft palate, closed nostrils)

If it’s only when he is sleeping, maybe he is just dreaming.
Hi all. We have just gotten a 12 week old bulldog puppy. I'm worried he is breathing too fast when he is sleeping? Trying to upload a video but it won't let me.
Any advise would be appreciated
Thank you :)
It could just be because he is a puppy.... they sometimes breath vey fast when sleeping. video needs to go to youtube or other service first, then post link here
I wouldn’t be assuming at this point there are breathing issues as puppies that age tend to breath faster when sleeping. Has he been seen by a vet yet for a checkup since coming home?

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