

New member
Jan 31, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Bulldog(s) Names
Olaf & Ivana
Yep, I am taking the plunge and getting braces in december! I have always wanted straight teeth...too bad I had to wait until age 24 to do it but better late than never! I just hope it will be worth it :confused:
Where are you going to get them? Noah will need them also. I don't remember you needing braces tho!?
would you be able to get invisalign??? i had braces in hs and they werent as bad as it seems, you have to watch what foods you eat so you dont pop a bracket off but other than that at times i forgot i had them on
Just make sure you go to your hygiene appointments on a regular schedule.
Brackets collect a lot of plaque and food, so are prone to decay....if you aren't brushing and keeping up with it, you will have cavities when they come off. You will be so happy when done. I had them as a teen and again as an adult. I didn't wear my retainer the first time around and they do shift back. Not always to the original spot, but enough you will notice and regret it. I want to see pictures!!! and Stock up on soft foods, the first couple days you will need them.
Getting them beg/mid december. It would be much sooner but since by back teeth are so bad I of course need to replace one of my fillings with another root canal and cant get in till next month. Once its done I can start! Ya my top teeth arent too bad, slight crowding, although no one seems to notice but me lol but the bottom is pretty crowded. As far as invisalign well it costs more and he told me I would have better results with the regular kind. Ha good thing I am not in the dating scene cause then I think it really would bother me! Thanks for the advice!
i just know that they are getting really popular now, i would think that it would be about the same but not sure. i know if teeth arent to to bad then the visalign is good but if they're really bad then regular will work the best... o ya make sure that you were your retainer i lost my top one a yr after i got them off and i wore it at nite and i lost it some how lol... still to this day not sure how me and my dad couldnt ever find it i was in bed not like i missed placed it!! but they put a permenant retainer on the bottom when i was 17 and finally had that taken off a few months ago at 26 when i had to have a root canal too :(
Oh and I didnt see you say "where" southwest dental on ina. The orthodontist has to be like just a couple years older than me lol. He has an office in gilbert but works down here a few days a week. I forgot to mention that I am pretty sure he is going to do the "damon" brakets as that is what he specalizes in and does not have to do any extractions which is nice =^)

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