Bella's skin irritation


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Hey my name is Dave, i have rescued an english bulldog a little over a year and a half ago... ever since i first had the dog her skin always breaks out with hot spot or goo'y scabs.... i put hydrocortizone on the irritated skin... i take her to the vet... he want me to get a 500$ allergey test.... i know she get really irritated by grass and chicken!!!! Can anyone help.... i give her benedryl. makes her sleepy but she is still itchy... from the neck down... how do i isolate the problem and figure this out without dropping 500$ for the allergy test.....

Anyhelp please would be greatful...

What Are you washing her with? Might try a hypo allergenic wash or a medicated wash
I am also wondering what she is eating? Food and treats? What types?
Yes definately wondering what food she's eating ? and then we always have wonderful success with a apple cider vinegar mix, on our boys thru the years, and it works almost overnight... Any chance of a flea bite ? Our last Bully, would break out in hives at just one bite, when we took our walks.. then when he broke out ~ it seemed to lead to the itching and so forth, but he was allergic to many things..

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