URGENT!!! Bacon


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
So we have switched from using pepcid along with the meds to liquid pepto which went over like a fart in church with Bacon last night. Getting him to drink the 10cc's of pepto was next to impossible so I made ice cubes out of it last night and he had 0 interest in those this morning at 530 so it got skipped. Figured we had a better chance that way since holding him down and sticking the plastic syringe stressed him out so much we just gave up. Hopefully we will have better luck tonight, vet said his lungs are clear and felt around and said it feels like he may have an obstruction, as per my suggestion being that he is eating fine and drinking fine but his poo is totally liquid, IE the only thing getting passed whatever he ate that night. They did an xray and it showed no solid obstruction but if he hate something fabric it wouldn't show up. So they gave him another water shot loaded up with electrolytes and we will resume bland diet when we get home tonight. She said if he doesn't either pass something or get more solid stool by Wednesday that we should do a barium xray so they can see what is really going on(this assuming we aren't getting slammed with snow). Apparently the meds that he is on should have tightened up his stool in a day or two and he's been on them for 6 days now.

Uggggh I don't know why they don't just do a barium X-ray to start with :angry:

For all future member cases-- if for any reason you feel your bulldog may have ingested something and the vet wants to do an X-ray-- tell them to do it with barium! Most items will not show up (unless they swallowed something hard).

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk :)


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
Houston we have dropped the bomb Bacon passed whatever the mystery black fabric was that he ate and is running around like a crazy man right now. SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!

That is great news!! :whew:

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk :)


Apr 12, 2012
Northern NJ
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Oh my gosh! No pics to go with huh? Lol Cutty eats many tissues (break down easily) but also baby wipes, underwear and who knows what else. So far he has always passed them one way or another with no poo problems but this is a good reminder that runny poo is a sign to watch for. Glad he is better!!

If it's not covered in snow when I get home I'll take a pic for you :p
Jan 31, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Bulldog(s) Names
Bruno & Gidget
Hey there, just read this thread re Baconator. Poor guy but LUCKY guy to have such good parents. He's a gorgeous bully. Congrats to you Bacon's Dad. You sound like a lovely man.

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