ASPCA Poison Control Hotline


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Community Veteran
Apr 15, 2010
Southern Illinois/Florida
Bulldog(s) Names
Princess Alberta (Bertie) Barkghesi
I have posted this before right around Halloween, after seeing the post today from Dozersmama, I think this needs to be somewhere prominantly on the site where it can be seen in case someone would need it in the future.Keep the phone number of the
ASPCA Poison Control

on your refridgerator in case of an emergency! It could save your dog's life!
Hopefully none of us will ever have to use it! Calling a Vet's office and waiting for a call back could mean life or death if some kind of poison is injested!
@reallybob This is wonderful to have and a wonderfull Idea thank you
You're very welcome! I have this programmed into my phone...and I have a fact sheet that I give to friends when they babysit for my dogs. I try to be prepared for anything that could happen!
I have stuck this thread and I will add the number to the advertising at the bottom of the forums so everyone can guide people in the future. Thank you [MENTION=490]reallyrob[/MENTION]
Can everyone see the hotline number at the bottom of the forum pages?
Thanks. Stiggy's with my sis this week. I'll add it to his 'how to' list.

[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] - Yup, I see it at the bottom!
Thank You [MENTION=490]reallyrob[/MENTION], I now have it programmed into my phone. Great tip/information to know!!! You never know with these babies, as careful as we watch them what they can get in to!!
Yep, I see the hotline number on the bottom. Thanks for posting it! When I posted it in October, I was going to suggest that it be stuck to the site somewhere, but it slipped my mind. You can never be too careful with your babies! Also, some poisons, they don't want you to induce vomiting, some they this is a great item to keep in your home on the fridge or programmed into your phone. Better safe then sorry!
I also have this phone number programmed into Bertie's USB tag that is on her collar. The tag that I have for her is for sale today on my site If anyone gets one from my site, make sure to click thru from this site so that EBnews gets paid.
I always keep all the emergency numbers on the refrigerator. I agree, we need to be alert and ready for accidents can come anytime.

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