Article: English Bulldog Poetry: Contest Winner!

That is the one that made me :cry: and I mean like a :baby: Congrats on winning....that is a beautiful poem.
Loved it, that was my pick. Congratualtions!!
Thanks everybody. I'm honored to win this award...this poem was written after watching Vegas's seizure video YouTube - ‪Bulldog seizure....epilepsy.‬‏

I can only imagine what it feels like before, during and after one of these seizures. So often...he's blinded and the was he seeks out comfort is by burying his nose into you and smelling you. On more than one husband and I are both by his side helping him thru it. Once the seizure is over..he buries his nose into my hands, only to move and bury his nose into my husband's side. It's very emotional..and that's where I found the words for this poem.
Congrats Libra, it really is a lovely tribute and hands down the best entry, although the others were fun to read too.
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION].... Congrats!
Congrads, great poem and love the pic. beautiful bully.
That is such a pretty poem and how ironic that you would understand exactly how it is to have a seizure from watching him and then put it into words.

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