Allergies.... help please....


New member
Jun 12, 2022
United Kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names

New to the forum and in need of help please.

My boy Milo is 8 in July. He has a long list of allergies that have been confirmed via a test.
He's been suffering with cysts in between his toes and his feet are that sore we struggle to walk him now.
He's currently on a daily low dose steroid which I was reluctant to do but was assured by the vet it's fine for now. However they don't seem to be working very well. This has been ongoing for the past two years and we have tried all different remedies.
We can not soak his feet in Epsom salts anymore as salts are on his allergy sheet, along with baking soda.
Before I resort to cytopoint or apaquel is there anything else anyone can suggest? I'm at my whits end and hate seeing him suffer like he is.
Thank you x
What are you currently feeding, beans and protein? That can be part of the issue.

also, try bag balm for his cysts

New to the forum and in need of help please.

My boy Milo is 8 in July. He has a long list of allergies that have been confirmed via a test.
He's been suffering with cysts in between his toes and his feet are that sore we struggle to walk him now.
He's currently on a daily low dose steroid which I was reluctant to do but was assured by the vet it's fine for now. However they don't seem to be working very well. This has been ongoing for the past two years and we have tried all different remedies.
We can not soak his feet in Epsom salts anymore as salts are on his allergy sheet, along with baking soda.
Before I resort to cytopoint or apaquel is there anything else anyone can suggest? I'm at my whits end and hate seeing him suffer like he is.
Thank you x

Hey I switched my dog to raw food and no more cyst I stop with all this medication I just used epson sald.

New to the forum and in need of help please.

My boy Milo is 8 in July. He has a long list of allergies that have been confirmed via a test.
He's been suffering with cysts in between his toes and his feet are that sore we struggle to walk him now.
He's currently on a daily low dose steroid which I was reluctant to do but was assured by the vet it's fine for now. However they don't seem to be working very well. This has been ongoing for the past two years and we have tried all different remedies.
We can not soak his feet in Epsom salts anymore as salts are on his allergy sheet, along with baking soda.
Before I resort to cytopoint or apaquel is there anything else anyone can suggest? I'm at my whits end and hate seeing him suffer like he is.
Thank you x
What do you feed him??

Have you considered raw diet?? Many people have had success with it, cysts being one of the things thatā€™s improved and allergies on raw diet.

Thatā€™s the first thing I would do, raw diet.

Bovine Colostrum is amazing for environmental allergies, itā€™s so immune boosting which is what they need to improve allergies(I buy the Four Leaf Rover brand of bovine Colostrum), very good product.
Itā€™s the natural version of Benadryl, I use it on my dogs.

Also organic unpasteurized unfiltered apple cider vinegar spray(50% apple cider vinegar and 50% water mixture), itā€™s good for raw paws, and also to prevent infections.

Probiotics are another beneficial thing for the immune system.

Quercetin is a natural version of apoquel, itā€™s a natural anti itch and anti histimane.

I highly recommended staying away from the Apoquel, Cytopoint, prednisone, Atopica and Benadryl(all these cause serious side effects and it only masks the issue by suppressing the immune system instead of helping the immune system), immune boost is what he needs.

What are you feeding??

Paw washes help to rinse off the pollen and environmental allergies.

Also omega 3 help with inflammation.

Carbs in the diet cause inflammation and yeast issues= itchy dog and allergies are worse.

The raw diet is low in carbs meaning better immune system and less inflammation and less allergies.

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