Adventures with Piggy


New member
Aug 14, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Bulldog(s) Names
Ms. Piggy
Adventures with Piggy (Photos Added)

Friday night maybe early early Saturday morning I introduced myself and Piggy.

Piggy was found in the condo complex that I live in and her A%^hat of a previous owner didn't care to have her back because _______ <Insert long line of excuses here.

Bottom line she has some health issues that with time and patience can be corrected and managed. He just wanted something to produce puppies....but anyway....

Piggy has spent the entire day with me and I now understand how insanely awesome this little guys are. I say little because I have mastiffs as well and well everything is little next to a mastiff.

Little Piggy knows no strangers, she wants to meet EVERYONE, young, old, canine, cat, squirrel if it moves she wants to sniff it and if it has hands it had better be petting her. I normally wouldn't take a new dog out with me so quickly but she needed a vet and I had to get a crate for her so it was a few stops at places that know me pretty well.

We get home from our errands and take a short nap before work. All three dogs are lined up near the couch. There was no getting up unless you moved bodies. Piggy is now the snoring champ in the house and I thought my Bella (mastiff) was bad. LOL

I have discovered that a bulldog fart will clear a room. Even the mastiffs ran away. But I blame most of this gas issue on her change in food and god knows what she has been fed recently. After a few weeks of getting her back on a good diet I will start blaming my husband for any future noxious odors.

I have seen so many silly faces today. Tongue out, a tooth caught in front of a lip, tongue hanging of the side of her mouth with a huge smile, just purely silly faces. So expressive!

I've always wanted a bulldog. I wasn't really prepared for this one but things happen for a reason and being around Piggy for 24 hours I can understand why bully owners LOVE their dogs. There are some breeds that just steal hearts and Bullies are on that list for me right next to my mastiff kids. :bully:
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Thanx for posting your Piggy story.
Great to hear Piggy is doing well.
I do recognize the many silly faces of your bulldog (Bono has too and it's always funny)
How is Piggy doing regarding to her "health issues" ?
Does the previous owner still live in the same complex? That could be a sticky situation to say the least. Glad Ms Piggy found such a good home now though. Would love to see pictures of her.
Yes, we must meet your babies and wanna see your Piggy! :D

The Piggy! Not a great pic but she is a little camera shy. More to come!


Gabe. My best friend in this world.


Bella. My big baby girl.

LariP: Guy does live in the same complex. But before he said I could just take her we had a good conversation about her need to see a vet. Her eyes are a running mess. He offered to sell her to me but I told him that I couldn't afford to get her to a vet and pay for her but I could promise her good home if he would let me have her. This guy is a scumbag but I don't foresee any issues. I think either he turned her out the other night or his girlfriend did. Their downstairs neighbor is a good friend of mine and wasn't even aware that they had a dog.

As far as her eyes go she was diagnosed with KCS (chronic dry eye) and some ulceration (probably a combination of the KCS and an injury). She's not taking to well to the new routine of cleaning and lubricating her eyes but I'm sure that will improve with time too. She had a little bit of a respiratory infection and some urine burn issues from being in a filthy crate that she was given some antibiotics for.

She's still an absolute blast and with some luck she will be able to stay with us. She was micro chipped but the registration never happened. The distributor is trying to track who the chip was sold to and make sure she wasn't stolen. If she has a good home out there she will go back to it or she will stay with us.
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Things do happen for a reason. You are a good person to do all you have. Bless you! A thousand times over, bless you and your family. I hope Piggy has found her forever home, but I'm thankful that you are the type of person that cares enough to make sure she wasn't stolen. You are a good person!
If she was not stolen, and she is in her forever home, I think I would ask for a note from this skum bucket just so he doesn't come back after all the vet bills come in and say he wants her back... just to protect Miss Piggy and your self... it is so easy to fall in love with these guys, you don't want to lose her to his kind.....This is just my opinion.
They are all so cute! We will be expecting more shots of miss piggy tho when she gets over her shyness. ;) She has found a wonderful mama and what else could a bully want? Since the chip wasnt registered to anyone, lets hope that she is not stolen. Very odd tho someone would take the time to chip her and not bother to follow thru. Will be keeping my fingers crossed that all works out well!
Awww they are adorable!! Glad you were there to help. Can't wait to see more photos!!
If she was not stolen, and she is in her forever home, I think I would ask for a note from this skum bucket just so he doesn't come back after all the vet bills come in and say he wants her back... just to protect Miss Piggy and your self... it is so easy to fall in love with these guys, you don't want to lose her to his kind.....This is just my opinion.

If you don't think that is possible make sure you get her licensed in your county.

Chip's ex-stepfather dropped his pitbull off for us to "babysit" and never came back to get her. He did not call. Nothing. 6 months later he shows up at our door and wants her back. Chip of course says no! So then the jerk went and got the police and since the dog was registered in HIS name and not ours- there was nothing the officer could do but make us surrender her. He did not want to- but had to.

And all of your dogs are just gorgeous!! Bella looks fawn, is she? I just love fawn with black masks on faces (Molly, Jesse.....)
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Yep Bella is fawn.

I spoke with a police officer that my husband speaks with on a regular basis about how this guy just gave her up and if he would have any recourse. While he was on duty last night he went over and spoke to the guy and got me a note saying that he did surrender her. The officer said that he didn't even seem to care that she was gone and that he had already thrown out all of her food and the crate she was in.

One of the downstairs neighbors was outside of his unit when I was talking to him and the officer grabbed a short statement from him too. So I'm good to go I think. I've gotten no response from the maker of her chip yet as to if they can find the original vet or breeder but they said after two weeks they would allow me to register her chip.

After she is off her antibiotics I'll go get her shots taken care of and then a month or two down the road I'll have her spayed.
I am so happy to hear all of this....Miss Piggy is a very luckly little girl.

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