Wilson had a reaction...


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Fontana, CA
Bulldog(s) Names
Wilson & BabyGirl
I was at the vets because earlier Wilson I believe had a reaction to his allergy shot. Vet says heat but I don't agree. They wet him down and have a fan on him. Vet says he gave him a different fast-acting allergy shot because the first one was slow acting. I don't get it. I had a/c on in the car and he was wearing a cooling vest. It started on our way home after the allergy shot. I thought he was overexcited but even after getting home he was still gasping. Well whatever he was given in that "second shot" seems to have brought him back. I'm emotionally exhausted and Wilson was so tired he fell asleep on my husbands shoulder on the way home. He's sleeping in his room now but I'm gonna keep a close eye on him tonight.

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Oh my!!! Poor Wilson!!! I bet you are exhausted!! Matilda sends smooshy kisses and slobbers. I hope he feels better!!!
Oh no.....Let us know how he does through the night!
Thanks everyone. This last week he's been going through some terrible yeast problems in his feet. I tried all the remedies we all know. He's been taking Aller-Chlor regularly and I've been washing his feet with his medicated shampoo prescribed by the vet but he has been extra miserable. I finally gave in to getting the allergy shot which usually gives him great relief but this is my last resort if I can't control with standard methods. His last allergy shot was two months ago. He has never had a reaction to anything before. Now I'm a little scared if he should need it again. Just wondered if any members here have ever had this happen to their dog.
Poor Wilson, so sorry for you and Wilson, have not had this happen before so no help here other than we will be thinking of you and Wilson and hope he fells better in the morning. Keep us posted.
Oh I'm so sorry. Poor Wilson..it's just so unfair when the cure hurts you! I wish I had the answer for you..just wanted to let you know we are very sorry and give you :hug:
Awww shucks.:blush2: You guys are the best. Don't know who I would talk to if not for EBN members. :heart: Thanks for being there.
[MENTION=1760]Fontanafox[/MENTION], I have never had this happend, but maybe they should just give the first one(the less powerful one) for now. Perhaps this one was just to high a dose for him. I am just trying to figure out what could help him since he does need these shots.
im so sorry [MENTION=1760]Fontanafox[/MENTION] that this happened. If he is sleeping that is what he is supposed to be doing after a reaction and getting a shot to stop it. He should sleep for a good while off and on. I would just stick with the original shot and not let the vet change it again. After sarahs very bad reation to a shampoo i used i have learned to stick with things and not change them unless i have to. I use the same shampoo flea meds and such. I have also been having a bad time with sarahs feet this year to. I think the allergy season this year is very much worse than before so i dont know what to tell you there I think im going to put socks on sarah till summer is over.
[MENTION=1710]LisaMarie[/MENTION] Thanks, I think I will ask more about that shot. I don't want to blindly trust anymore. I'm gonna ask for more details about those injections. I guess a lot of people don't know much about bulldogs so the vet was trying to give me the speech about "all the problems bulldogs have." I had to stop him and say "I know about bulldogs! I've been a bulldog mom for three years and I'm telling you something in that particular first shot affected him." He gave him a second shot and said it was a fast acting allergy shot and that one stopped him from gasping. I'm not so sure what it was he gave him the second time since I was out in the waiting room waiting for the vet to call us back in. In any case Wilson is much better and I'm just trying to recover from the scare myself.
[MENTION=2291]cowsmom[/MENTION] I agree about not changing things. Not too long ago I tried to let BabyGirl have some yams thinking they were good for her and she had an allergic reaction causing her face to swell and rash up and she couldn't breathe through her nose. I don't want to experiment with food anymore. I'll just stick to her current dog food which is a good one. I haven't had any problems with shampoos thank goodness. I usually use dog oatmeal kind and whatever medicated shampoos prescribed by the vet. Hope my dogs don't surprise me with anything else cause it has been a bumpy road.
[MENTION=1760]Fontanafox[/MENTION] I so understand your terror and nervousness. I almost lost sarah to a dang shampoo. She had hives all over her body and swelled up teets and couldnt breath good. It took a trip to the emergency vet and a trip to her regular vet the next morning to get her ok again. I only use this particular kind of oatmeal shampoo now and still get a little nervous at giving her a new dog food and such. But after a scare like that and when it doesnt happen again for a while you do relax a bit. This is the great thing about this board we are all here to help each other through these things.

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