When is it too hot?


New member
May 7, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
So this summer my boyfriend and I are going on a week long camping/fishing trip to the Sierra Nevada mountains here in California. We went in 2008 as well but we didn't take the dogs (samson my bulldog, loki the beagle), we left them with our parents. I HATE being away from them that long and we are considering bringing them this year. However I have concerns about the heat, it's in high altitude 6,000-8,000 ft (depending where you are) so it never gets too hot. Average highs during July high 70's low 80's. Loki is a beagle, hardy little girl, she would have the time of her life. Sam would much prefer be with us and I would prefer that too but I don't want to be worrying like crazy about heat stroke the whole time. What does everyone think? What should I do? It's either take them both or they both stay at home. My very reliable next door neighbor would come by several times a day to take care of them.
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I don't blame you for wanting to bring them with you. Hard decision, because I think it would highly depend on the bulldog. I would consider asking yourself these questions, may help with your decision?

Does Samson overheat easily?
Does he get overexcited easily (and have a hard time recovering)?
How much shade will be available?
Will you have access to an air conditioner (perhaps in your car) if necessary?
Will there be a veteranarian close by, should something happen?
Will you be ready and willing to pack up and go home if it does not work out?

I hope he can go with you, if it is possible. Would look forward to the photos! But yes, you must consider all options first. Make sure he will be safe :)
hey there. bulldog asked some great questions.

i know both of my bullies wouldn't be ok in that weather. they can't really stand any length of time in weather any higher than 65--and it's never only 65 here in the spring/summer! so they can only handle going out to potty and them coming right back in.

depending on how your bully is, you *could* look into cooling jackets and collars as an option. also, i have an awesome battery powered fan that i use for dog shows. i got it at home depo. that, with provided shade, plus the cooling jackets and water, etc might make it more doable. or it might make it so much of a hassle that you and your bully might be happiest if they were home in the cool ac? i'm not sure. definately a great question to ask.
Bulldog - Not sure. His ears get pink and he pants when hes hot but I have always been really careful about keeping him cool areas so I never have an issue with overheating. So it's like I don't know his limits do you know what I mean? He is an inside dog for the most part, his choice when I'm home and my choice when I'm not because worrying about weather changes/someone stealing him. So when it is hot he is in the AC, lots of water, fans and I give him ice because he LOVES ice. I did tons of research on bulldogs before I got him so I have always known I need to be real careful in the heat.

He does get super excited when he meets new people/dogs. So there is a potential of him getting really excited in the wrong place/at the wrong time when he is already pretty warm.

It's very thick with trees and just vegetation in general up there so shade wouldn't be an issue, theres tons of it. I am going to get him lifejacket for the summer and we will always be at the lake so I figured that may help with the heat, getting in the lake together to cool off.

AC in the truck, we could always put him in there.

There are vets in the area. I already checked that. I would just need to write it all down before I leave. And there are pet friendly hotel/motels up there so I figured if its a hot day and he seems to be not feeling well we could always stay somewhere versus the campground.

My boyfriend and I are VERY much looking forward to this vacation, we LOVE it up there and didn't have the money to go last year so this is very important. If I were to ask him now he would say don't take him if you think there is a possibility we would have to leave early. Now if we were up there and his dog was sick there isn't anything he wouldn't do to help him even if that meant going home. We love are dogs VERY VERY much which is why I am having such a hard time with this. We take our dogs with us anytime we go somewhere and we can. I go out of my way to try to include them on any trip we go on if its possible. We are very attached to them and vice versa, so I miss them terribly when I am away. The last time we went up there for a week, that is the only time I have been away from them that long. I know especially Samson my bulldog really misses us when we are gone (loki the beagle is a little more independent). Especially me, momma's boy FOR SURE! As much as I hate to say it, his health is more important to me than missing him and him missing me so I will probably end up leaving him at home. Thank you, ya'll gave me great things to think about.
Sounds like you have most everything covered to take them with you. I would give it a try, you will never know unless you take them. This will botheryou every trip also so you may as well get it figured out now and see how they do. We have taken our boys camping a couple times but only when we go to local campgrounds because I am terrified of my boys getting lost up in the Sierras where we go the rest of the time. My Cutty tho isnt made for camping because everytime we take them he comes home with some kind of war wound. (always something tiny but still) One time he slipped on the step on my trailer and twsited his ankle so bad and he screamed, making me cry. Turned out he was fine but it gave me a heart attack so watch out for things like that. Check their paws for cuts and or sores between toes cuz being indoor dogs their feet are more sensitive I think. Have fun and good luck! :D
"We have taken our boys camping a couple times but only when we go to local campgrounds because I am terrified of my boys getting lost up in the Sierras where we go the rest of the time."

Ha well I see your from so cal, so am I. Thats where we are going, the Sierras. June Lake Loop and Mammoth Lakes (normally Convict and Twin). I'm not afraid of them getting lost though. My boyfriend is a machinist and he makes these awesome super strong stakes to tie your dogs too, way better than any you get in the store and we just set that up wherever we are.


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Oh how cool, pays to have a handyman doesnt it? :) I would take them and have fun.

Have never been to June lake although I have heard great things about it. Nice to meet you neighbor! ;)

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