what is the rule again?


New member
Feb 26, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Oliver and Ivy Claire
a friend just got a puppy. pls refresh my memory on how long a pup can hold his bladder?
I would say 45 minutes to an hour if drinking water...I think when Cooper was a baby he would wake me up like every 3 or 4 hours to go potty! I would take pp out every hour to 2 hours to potty!
what about at night when puppy is crated?
what about at night when puppy is crated?
Pup should whine to go....thats is what I meant about every 3 to 4 hours.....I never woke up and woke him up to go out. They will usually cry when they have to potty! And we need a pic of this new pup...is it a bully?
no...just saw a pic of him before i left work. he is a great dane...beautiful boy, but his mama is working night shift and i am worried about the poor little dude.
no...just saw a pic of him before i left work. he is a great dane...beautiful boy, but his mama is working night shift and i am worried about the poor little dude.

Great Dane may be able to hold in longer. I just saw a great dane pup the same age as Cooper the other day at the vet..OMG I was o Cooper is a puppy so he won't do anything he is just curious and she said yeah he is a pup too. he was HUGE!!!!! But maybe you could be a good friend and go let him out once a night??? Or she may have to find a spot for him where she can leave a pee pad
good advice [MENTION=4292]Cooper11[/MENTION]...btw, thanks for always answering questions and for posting fun things.:girlwink:
1 month = 2 hours, 2 moths = 3 hours, 3 months = 4 hours, but still accidents happen. You also should take the puppy out right after a meal, after a play, after sleep or even a nap. The more you see trouble doing this the sooner it's done. If you do it so and so, the longer it takes.
1 hour more than they are old ---- 2 months old = 3 hours... and so on.

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