Well..the tear stains are back. GRRR


I am in total control....I think
Feb 25, 2011
Louisville, KY
Bulldog(s) Names
Gator & Lucy Goosey, the Basset and Gigi (AKA Gypsy)
We were doing sooo great after the food change but now the eye watering is back. BUT there was whitish gunk in his eyes this morning and a lightbulb went off...must be seasonal allergies...makes sense since my eyes are watering like crazy.

Off to get some Benedryl. Blech.
Our Pollen count has been unusually high, it is not always the food. I know Vegas is on the right food, but you know how Fl. is, always something tropical blooming.
I just give him 1 even though he can have 2 for his weight, I do wash his eyes several times a day with a cool wet washcloth to just get the pollen out. You might want to just wash with plan cool water to help control the runny eyes.
You know its bad when you go out first thing in the morning and there is a yellow dust on your car!!
I hear ya! After 9 months of no stains they all got a little right now. Tis the season :angry:
I guess there have got to be some trade offs for you people who live in warm climates. We woke up to fresh snow just a few hundred feet above us. We have had exactly 4 days when the temp. got up to 60! Some Spring!
When we moved here last summer everyone told me that the Ohio River Valley is the WORST for seasonal allergies and as a sufferer, I thought, no way because we moved here from Tampa which is is just a few miles north of [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] so I didn't think it could be worse. I can now say they are RIGHT! It has been awful! Funny thing is, everyone I know with a dog, has seasonal allergy issues!
Oh and [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], we need a detective smiley! I feel like I have to be a gum shoe to take care of these guys. lol
You got it! :detective:


Oh and I found this one too

Those are hilarious!!!!

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