Strange yawning behavior…


New member
May 25, 2023
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
My 8 year old recently recovered from a mild bout of pneumonia (treated with Clavamox for 3 weeks).

Starting last night I noticed she was yawning more than usual. This has continued into today. While many of these were full yawns, there has also been a lot of “half” yawns where she starts to yawn but seemingly stops herself. Like she opens her mouth but then doesn’t fully yawn.

Has anyone experienced this with their pup? She seems totally normal otherwise and is eating all her food. Good energy.

My only concerns are that this is somehow related to her pneumonia since she finished her antibiotics about 5 days ago. But she’s not showing any other signs of respiratory distress apart from these weird yawns. I’ve also heard that sudden increased yawning could be a sign of heart disease. But her recent chest x-rays (from her pneumonia treatment) didn’t show anything abnormal heart-wise.
My 8 year old recently recovered from a mild bout of pneumonia (treated with Clavamox for 3 weeks).

Starting last night I noticed she was yawning more than usual. This has continued into today. While many of these were full yawns, there has also been a lot of “half” yawns where she starts to yawn but seemingly stops herself. Like she opens her mouth but then doesn’t fully yawn.

Has anyone experienced this with their pup? She seems totally normal otherwise and is eating all her food. Good energy.

My only concerns are that this is somehow related to her pneumonia since she finished her antibiotics about 5 days ago. But she’s not showing any other signs of respiratory distress apart from these weird yawns. I’ve also heard that sudden increased yawning could be a sign of heart disease. But her recent chest x-rays (from her pneumonia treatment) didn’t show anything abnormal heart-wise.

Does she have anything irritated or anything stuck in her mouth/teeth or sore irritation gums?? Her mouth could be sore/hurting from something.

Maybe some food stuck in her teeth that’s sore. If it’s something in her mouth that’s sore/irritated try her on soft food for a bit and monitor.

How do her ears look? Some dogs will do that half yawn if they have a ear infection. Some dogs get that as result from antibiotics destroying immune system.

It also could be from the pneumonia if it’s not fully gone, and maybe no pneumonia symptoms yet.

She is likely sore/painful somewhere.

I also learned that if they are painful(let’s say you pet her on her leg as example), if you touch/pet a sore area on her like the leg, if she yawns, it’s a sign of that area being painful.
I’m not saying that’s what it is, but I would just watch for the yawn when you pet her at certain areas and if she yawns, pet somewhere else and if no yawn try again to pet her in the ‘em area she yawned before and if she dies yawn when you touch that area again, she is likely sore/painful in that area.

Keep us updated.
Anxiety, Nervous or Stresses also causes to yawn. Humans does it too. When she yawns, try keeping her attention on something like a toy or treat n see if she stops immediately.

Give it a few more days see what happens. Might need a vet check.

Agree with Helene. That’s usually a sign of stress and anxiety.
agree with Citty and Helene... yawning can be a sign of stress/anxiety --- anything change in the home that she may be unsettled about?

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