
New member
Mar 3, 2015
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello all,
I am new to English Bulldog News! My boyfriend and I just adopted an 11 month old female english bulldog named Ollie! We've only had her for a few weeks but we are already so in love!!
I have been doing quite a bit of research on her breed and I'm enquiring about the soft palate surgery. There are a few things going on that concern us regarding Ollie and I believe it may be a soft palate issue from what I've read. She is a horrendous snorer- like nothing I have heard before! She has to sleep in a crate in the living room because it is so loud we can't sleep if she is in our room, which is sad for us and her because she wants to sleep with us and we want her with us as well! At night when she is trying to go to sleep she seems noticeably uncomfortable. She flops around and snorts a lot and seems to have a very difficult time getting comfortable. Her breathing also becomes very erratic- not steady like it should when falling asleep. She also begins snoring the moment she gets tired- even before she's asleep! And more often than not she tries to sleep sitting up. She will flop over and wake up and she sits right back up and tries to go back to sleep that way- we believe it is because being upright helps her breathing. She spits up white foam many times a day and after eating or drinking she regurgitates aggressively for a quite awhile afterward. She also pants for quite awhile after play.
We took her to our vet and he said they do not do the soft palate surgery at his practice as they do not have a laser but he did believe that she would probably benefit from it.

My question is- can anyone recommend somewhere that does do this surgery in the great Toronto area. We are in Oakville, Ontario but don't mind traveling within reason. I know this surgery can be quite expensive so we are looking for someone reputable who is going to give us a good price.
Thanks for the help!
Hi Whitney, welcome to EBN to you and Ollie. Thank you so much for adopting and saving Ollie. You're awesome. Congratulations on your new baby.

I lived in Oakville for 8 years and love it down by the lake, I still go back especially in the spring and summer to walk along the Lakeshore and visit all the great shops and coffee shops. We now live in Burlington, so not too far from there.
I hope to see more of you and Ollie on here, and please share lots of pictures.
Maybe we will see each other and our dogs at a bully meetup one day.

I don't have any experience with soft palate surgery, but I do have a friend who is a medical doctor, they've had 6 EB's in their family over the years and all of them have had the surgery with good results. My guys don't seem to have any breathing problems, I think they may have some OEB in them as they have longer legs than other EB's I've seen, and this may be why they don't have breathing problems? Blossom snores a little sometimes, but not all the time and it's not very loud. Dozer rarely ever snores when he sleeps. It sounds like Ollie is having difficulties with his breathing since he is such a loud snorer, but also because you mentioned that he is a restless sleeper and he wakes up, flips and flops to get comfortable and he seems to breath better when he is sitting up, and because he pants after play. It sounds like he would benefit from surgery to help him breath better. My guys will also pant hard after they have run around or played hard for more than 20 minutes, this is common in a lot of EB's. A lot bullies can only tolerate about 15 or 20 mins of running or playing before they get tired out, but each bully is different. I have to break my two up if they play too hard, and separate them if they pant too much. Blossom can walk for a long time, but Dozer can only tolerate short walks and he doesn't like to walk.

I don't know of any veterinarians in Oakville, but I love my vets in Mississauga, they are located at Creditview and Britannia in Streetsville. They are a practice with 3 lady vets, and are caring, have EB experience and have reasonable prices.

About Our Pet Hospital in Mississauga, Ontario | Heartland Pet Hospital Mississauga, Ontario
:welcome3: to EBN.... your girl is a beauty!

I can not offer help in the vet area.... but I have experience with the procedure, two of my babies had it done -- any questions let me know
We're a long way from Ontario, but our Castor had soft palate/nares surgery a few months ago. Good luck and let us know if you have any questions!

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