Yesterday afternoon when we got home from visiting family, I noticed that Roxi had a swollen area on her back around her shoulders. Well come to find out it was a cluster of hives or some type of skin reaction. I have no idea what caused it because we were gone for about 6 hours and before we left nothing was wrong with her. So, I gave her some benadryl hoping that it would help it go away...nope!
This morning it was worse and she had even more hives all over her body!!!! I rinsed her off in the bath with a water and vinegar mixture this morning but it didn't seem to help so off to the vet we went.
He said she had an allergic reaction (DUH!) and of course we don't know what from. She was given a super low dose steroid shot (I know, I know but she was miserable and couldn't get comfortable enough last night to sleep longer than 2 hours at a time) and the vet said we won't be giving her anymore for a long time but it was necessary to give her some relief and keep her from scratching and causing a skin infection again.
So, I believe I have narrowed down what may have caused the reaction to a handfull of things...
1. She was bit by something- ie. spider or some other pesky bug.
2. She had a reaction to the detergent I washed the sheets in on Saturday morning.
-The only thing about this is, we use the same thing every time.
3. She had a reaction to the dog shampoo that was used during her bath on Saturday morning
- Again, we used the same kind we have used for the last 2 months or so.
4. She was stressed out from us being gone so much. We were gone for about 6-7 hours on Saturday at the Razorback game and then 6-7 hours on Sunday visiting family.
5. I haven't been giving her as much allergy medicine in the last week or so because she has been doing so well...I don't know if this caused her to have a reaction.
I guess it could be a number of things but these are the only things that have changed in the past few days.
While I'm thinking about it what fish oil and probiotic supplements do y'all use?

So, I believe I have narrowed down what may have caused the reaction to a handfull of things...
1. She was bit by something- ie. spider or some other pesky bug.
2. She had a reaction to the detergent I washed the sheets in on Saturday morning.
-The only thing about this is, we use the same thing every time.
3. She had a reaction to the dog shampoo that was used during her bath on Saturday morning
- Again, we used the same kind we have used for the last 2 months or so.
4. She was stressed out from us being gone so much. We were gone for about 6-7 hours on Saturday at the Razorback game and then 6-7 hours on Sunday visiting family.
5. I haven't been giving her as much allergy medicine in the last week or so because she has been doing so well...I don't know if this caused her to have a reaction.
I guess it could be a number of things but these are the only things that have changed in the past few days.
While I'm thinking about it what fish oil and probiotic supplements do y'all use?