Possible grass allergy?


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Plano, Texas, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Trixie Wrinklebottom
Whenever Trixie comes back in from outside she tends to scratch a little or chew on one of her legs. It's not to the point that she has raw spots but it looks like some little bald patches have popped up on her legs and ears. We had her tested for mange at the vet and that was negative but I'm thinking she might be allergic to grass? The only other thing I can think of is her dogfood (Royal Kanin Maxi 32). Right now in Texas it's been over 100 degrees for the last week so I think some of it could be the heat but I'm not totally sure what I should do. I'm going back to the vet for her next deworming/checkup in a week or so but if anyone else has had this happen please let me know what you did for your bully. Thanks!
She may very well be allergic to grass. I would also recommend changing her food. One food may work for one bully but not another. It's kind of a trial and error thing. A change would probably do her good. Go for grain free!!!!
Thanks for the advice! What are some other good dogfoods for an 11 wk old bully besides Royal Kanin? That is the dogfood the breeder had her on when we got her. I've heard nothing but good things about it so far but I'm open to suggestions.
OH what memories....We had bulldogs growing up also, that is why I am so partial to them.

Our Richard had a major allergy to grass. He would chew and chew on his paws. In between his pad he would get large hives. Other than that, he was great. My mom resorted to allergy shots that the vet recommended but warned her. She was told the shots were hard on the kidneys. Richard lived to be 14. Spoiled rotten and to this date, my mom says she misses him more than some of her relatives!!!!!

Our Abby has grain and plastic allergies, so we got rid of rubber toys, plastic bowls and changed her diet to a grain-free. With Bella's disease she needs not only grain-free but also low in fat, so we stayed with Natural Balance but changed to Sweet Potato and Bison (lower in fat) It is just patience and trial and error. REMEMBER: only one change at a time!!!! that is the key.
Trixie seems to be the same way. Other than the occasional itching and chewing she's 100% great. It doesn't seem to cause her much discomfort but I want to do everything I can to make sure she's happy and healthy.
Maybe try benedryl for her? Is this a seasonal thing or something that persists all year? If it is just seasonal and you dont think it is the food so much then just benedryl will maybe help. (regular benedryl, nothing with tylenol) I am pretty sure for 25 pounds they get 1 pill and for 50 they get 2. Thats what I have written down in my med cabinet for my boys for just in case. I would also try changing the food in the meantime and maybe that will be of help. Having got Cutty after his puppy stage I cant be of much help in what food to feed.
And my mom had a grass service. Just in case she made sure there was an area that was NOT to be sprayed. That is where she would let Richard go in the summer. Maybe have a "foot" bowl at the door before she comes back in. A quick rinse may help.

I do recognize your story,
Bono had also some allergic reactions (one or two times a year). On his head and leggs many bumps arised and later on (happend one time), he had difficulties with breathing :(. So far the vet could help Bono and gave him some injections (moistere removal)
In the beginning we didn't know what caused this allergic reaction. (could be grass, vegetation, nutrition etc)
So we start paying attention to where Bono walked and what he ate. (still a hard job to do)
After 6 months and a few allergic reactions (we had the right medicines already bought at the vet, so we were able to recover Bono in a early stadium) we discovered that Bono was interested in some plants in our garden. He toke the plants in his mouth and tried to pull them out of the ground. <o
Bono appeared to be allergic for thess plants so we removed the plants from our garden and Bono never had an allergic reaction again. :)
Bono also got nutrition from Royal Canin (Bulldog 24) and he still gets it (healthy stool, glossy skin, white teeth) but as said in the posts above it's still possible some bullie doesn't like eating Royal Canin or even gets problems after eating this. (counts for all nutritions)

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