OK... I have to get my wheels in motion!!


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
My story, Joe and I have been working alot, him sometimes 6-12 hour days on this project he is on at work. His birthday is next month so I booked a 2 night 3 day resort package on a private beach over the weekend. I called Amy where we board Vegas in a special air condioned suite, just a few minutes ago to reserve a room for Vegas and she started laughing telling me I was on her "to do" list for today to call me......

I said Really Why???.....She was given an 11 week old female EB on Wed. from a friend of a friend with papers. The owner was so severley allergic to the pup that she had constant hives and had to go on steroids and was actually having breathing problems. So Amy agreed to take in, and try to sell.. re-home the pup for her. The owner could not even keep her in the house long enough to re-home her!!

This is where I come in to play.....Amy wants me to get her!! The owner paid 3,000 from a breeder with papers and has only had her for 3 weeks, she wants 1,500 but will take 1,000. I am dying to go see her!! I emailed Joe at work and of course his answer was NO, no more EB's!!!

I don't understand why not since I DO EVERYTHING for Vegas including taking him out because he won't pee or poo for Joe, I do all the facial washing, bathing, food etc....What is ONE MORE??? How can I convince him?? I need all our bully heads to get together and help me convince Joe that we truly NEED this baby!!
Oh my goodness how exciting! Ok let me think about this one, I have never had to come up with convincing words because Dave is more willing to take in any dog he sees where as I have to be the voice of reason. Hmmmm...........
Well, that is an exciting opportunity!

I am a BIG proponent of bullies in pairs but there are some challenges that need to be considered:

First, if you're serious, I would take Vegas to see the puppy and see how he reacts. We got Linus when Bentley was Vegas' age and it went well but remember, Vegas has been the only doggy for a LONG time so it is important to see how receptive he is of a puppy. Second, you are going on vacation soon, summer is coming, just be sure it's the right time to get a puppy for you and your husband. If you plan on traveling a lot or you are working long hours, that's going to be a problem for an 11 week old baby that needs constant attention and training. Puppies - so cute but SO much work! The other thing, obviously, is that it's expensive, especially with another puppy who has to go through all the prerequisite puppy stuff that costs money plus you never know what kind of health issues will surface during those formative months.

Anyway, I know I'm the buzz kill but I want you to be happy - no matter what you decide! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
[MENTION=860]sheshistory[/MENTION], You make some very good points! I only work part-time Mon-Thurs 10-4 so I am home all the time, Joe is the one that works many hours. Vegas has been the ONLY one for the last 2 years, not even a cat in the house. As far as the expense, that is not a problem, as far as a puppy....oh the chewing, biting etc....Also we are going to be buying a house within the next 6 months (our lease is up in Oct) and we are buying. Oh No reality is setting in.......We do travel a lot in the summer, we went on two cruises last summer....Ok, your not a buzz kill but I am starting to think......Do I REALLY want a pup? My plan was when we buy a house with a fenced in yard to adopt a older rescue female....Oh crap I am being my own buzz-kill!
[MENTION=860]sheshistory[/MENTION], You make some very good points! I only work part-time Mon-Thurs 10-4 so I am home all the time, Joe is the one that works many hours. Vegas has been the ONLY one for the last 2 years, not even a cat in the house. As far as the expense, that is not a problem, as far as a puppy....oh the chewing, biting etc....Also we are going to be buying a house within the next 6 months (our lease is up in Oct) and we are buying. Oh No reality is setting in.......We do travel a lot in the summer, we went on two cruises last summer....Ok, your not a buzz kill but I am starting to think......Do I REALLY want a pup? My plan was when we buy a house with a fenced in yard to adopt a older rescue female....Oh crap I am being my own buzz-kill!

If I were you I would get another dog, my mom always said it was better that a dog have a friend so I have always had that mentality as well. But with everything you said sounds like to me (and you now LOL) that maybe waiting until after you move may be the easiest thing for you. And adopting would be so wonderful!!!!!!!
I would so get the pup in an instant. For my bf and I, all I need to say is, 'Ok, someone has a pup, this much and this is why she's looking for a home. Plus it came from Amy!'. Saying only those words would convince him I think. ;)

So excited for you! Let us know when you're picking her up ok? lol.
[MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION], OK after SEVERAL email's to Joe at work about the pup and his constant reply 'NO' I just emailed him and told him I went and got the pup---It IS April Fool's Day!! I said please don't be mad at me in the last email. If he comes back and says he is not mad then that means I can really go get her right?? :evil:
TessaAndSamson, OK after SEVERAL email's to Joe at work about the pup and his constant reply 'NO' I just emailed him and told him I went and got the pup---It IS April Fool's Day!! I said please don't be mad at me in the last email. If he comes back and says he is not mad then that means I can really go get her right?? :evil:

Oh you are so bad, I love it :evil:
Get a picture of her. Who can say no to a picture of a bullie baby!!
[MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION], OK after SEVERAL email's to Joe at work about the pup and his constant reply 'NO' I just emailed him and told him I went and got the pup---It IS April Fool's Day!! I said please don't be mad at me in the last email. If he comes back and says he is not mad then that means I can really go get her right?? :evil:

You young lady are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:

Now that I have his email I'd better email him now.
[MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] The rational Peggy used on me was that it would be good for our only dog at the time to have a pack mate home with her for company while we are not home. It actually did work well, though Moe hasn't yet earned free run of the house, Winnie and Moe already adore each other and are bestest friends. [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] may not agree :) , but I believe it NORMALLY works better having opposite sexes as pack mates. If we were to judge Winnie's reaction by their first meeting though, we probably would have thought that it was a bad idea... she hated him and wanted him to just go away... it only took 3-4 days for her to accept him.

Good luck on this... it is a big decision that should be made by both of you.
Get a picture of her. Who can say no to a picture of a bullie baby!!

[MENTION=1046]bulldog family[/MENTION]....Oh excellent Idea, I am going to call Amy now and have her email me a picture!! Thanks ;)
You young lady are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:

Now that I have his email I'd better email him now.

[MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION], No don't email him he is at work and VERY BUSY :p.........(telling me NO)

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