My Bully is breathing extremely fast!!! just now!!


New member
May 5, 2012
Houston Tx
Bulldog(s) Names
My 10 week old Rocky is sleeping right now and he's breathing really strange!!! extremely fast!!! What could it be? He was fine all day Long!!! Help Please!!!:shout:
Relax you are too anxious is anything else wrong
No he's been ok!!! he had a pneumonia about 2 weeks ago, but he finished his antibiotics and he's been perfectly fine, really active, i just have never seen him breath this way :( i took a video, wonder if i can post it here some how? maybe i am panicking a little, but he's my baby, just making sure he's ok!
Don't over play bulldogs they over heat quickly make sue you have fresh clean water play time should be kept short especially in the warmer temps try to relax now don't panic what's he doing now

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Hi! A lot of these guys..will breathe heavier and faster especially while sleeping. Puppies seem especially prone to this. If he is normal other than this, I would just watch him and if you see any other poems, you would probably want to follow up with your vet. But it's very easy to get stressed out with these Bully's! And having been through pneumonia, I'm sure you're really paying close attention!
he could just be dreaming. if hes fine other than that id just watch him.
he could just be dreaming. if hes fine other than that id just watch him.

That was my thought too. Rapid breathing during sleep usually is dreaming. Some will even try to run while dreaming and kick their legs around.
[MENTION=4840]BulldogMom31[/MENTION] hows the little guy this morning?
Hey guys thank you all so much, he's totally fine, LOL i guess he was dreaming, he's breathing normal THANK GOD!! I guess i panicked but he's my first puppy, and all of us in our family are crazy about him, so anything different and we all freaked out!! hehehe, i really appreciate all of you!! You guys are very sweet!!! thank you!!!
Hey guys thank you all so much, he's totally fine, LOL i guess he was dreaming, he's breathing normal THANK GOD!! I guess i panicked but he's my first puppy, and all of us in our family are crazy about him, so anything different and we all freaked out!! hehehe, i really appreciate all of you!! You guys are very sweet!!! thank you!!!

panicking is normal, we all do it. Especially with a baby and being your first.... you will have many little things that make you think something is wrong. Glad it was just dreams making his breathing like that but after having pneumonia I can imagine every little things scares you now.
Puppies sleep a lot. And with this breed, you want to make sure not to over heat them, or over play them, til they pass out. Over playing until they pass out will cause extremely heavy breathing. That is not good.
Another time they may exhibit fast breathing, even eye blinking and twitching is during REM (rapid eye movement). This is a great place to get all kinds of information. You might want to start at the home page where it explains the normal stuff you should know about your new bulldog puppy. If anything else comes up, try to be calm first :whew: I know, I know, easy for me to say. Any how jump in.

So glad to hear your better today. :meeting:

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