Molly is constipated

Miss Molly

Feb 18, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
I came home today and let the kids out, and poor Molly kept straining and couldn't "go". I don't have any canned pumpkin and live in a rural area, so I can't run and get any. Anyone have any other advice?

Also, how long should I wait before taking her to the vet, if the problem continues past tonight?

She hasn't eaten anything she shouldn't that I know of, but she is definitely a grass and stick eater when she is outside. She basically just shreds up the sticks though, or runs around and plays with them. I've never seen her try to swallow anything like that.
I am not sure if oil added to her diet would help. I would worry she has a blockage from something. Oh I hope she is okay. can give her some bran cereal..or if you have metamucil or benefiber..for people..she could get a dose of that. If you see mucous or any bleeding..she needs to go to vet. If this takes more than 5 days..time for vet too.

Also a stool softener like dss or ducolax can be given. Is she urinating ok? That is more serious. Dogs can go a few days without bowel movements..but not urination. Can get blockage from rocks and stuff..
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She's urinating fine. I just got back in from taking her out and she didn't even try to poop. I googled before I came here, and read that some canned dog food may help. I had some that I had gotten when my last bullie got sick and wouldn't eat anything. So I fed a little bit of that around 5:30, since then she pooped just a little bit of runny and then kept straining to go. Since then she ate a little bit of her normal dog food. And she is acting normally....

Also bland diet can help blockages, or constipation, also yogurt or probiotics.
The runny and staining concerns me. My bully growing up, Richard, once swallowed a bone...WHOLE. When he did go to pass it the same thing happened, straining, runny, bloody, but after a lot of straining, he did finally pass it. No more bones for him.
She's urinating fine. I just got back in from taking her out and she didn't even try to poop. I googled before I came here, and read that some canned dog food may help. I had some that I had gotten when my last bullie got sick and wouldn't eat anything. So I fed a little bit of that around 5:30, since then she pooped just a little bit of runny and then kept straining to go. Since then she ate a little bit of her normal dog food. And she is acting normally....


Ok..if you see any blood or/mucous..take her to vet. I can see the straining..but her poo shouldn't be runny if she's constipated. Hopefully she will have normal poo tomorrow...might be a little runny now because of canned food..but then there shouldn't be any straining..jeez..these critters sure have poop problems!!
WARNING: Really gross TMI coming up.

Actually, runny poo can be a sign of constipation of a bigger sort. Not to be graphic but my son had that issue. He actually was constipated (with poo packed in) and the only poo that could come out was the runny poo that could go around it. SORRY FOR THE GROSSNESS!!!!!!! His doctor said that is fairly common. That it might seem to be diarrhea, but it is actually constipation.
Well, she finally went! It was dark out but I saw her squat and didn't take long and she came back up to the patio. So I took a flashlight to go look at it. It looked fairly normal, a little soft, but normal color except one piece on the end was lighter brown, almost whitish, in color. (More TMI, but it is a post about poop ;) Lol!)

The only thing that still worries me a little is that she did throw up not long before she pooped. It was just pieces of her normal dog food she had eaten.

But I will keep an eye on her and feed a bland diet for a couple days to be safe. Thanks everyone!
Whew!:whew: Thank goodness. My Frenchton Louie was constipated like that. I saw him straining but I could see a bunch of grass coming out. He couldn't quite squeeze it out. :scared: I know this sounds gross but I put on some disposable gloves and with a paper towel I slowly pulled it out. I don't let him eat grass anymore and I keep lawn very short now.
WARNING: Really gross TMI coming up.

Actually, runny poo can be a sign of constipation of a bigger sort. Not to be graphic but my son had that issue. He actually was constipated (with poo packed in) and the only poo that could come out was the runny poo that could go around it. SORRY FOR THE GROSSNESS!!!!!!! His doctor said that is fairly common. That it might seem to be diarrhea, but it is actually constipation.

Duhhhhhhhh! I typed things...not
Lol..the thongs we discuss [MENTION=1906]GatorRay[/MENTION]..ya..I did know about the runny stuff..but if it goes too can be a sign of a blockage! Your poor son..I'll NEVER tell!!
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Glad she went! How scary! If this happens again and it is just constipation the canned pumpkin will help get things moving. Also I wonder about prunes with pups? I know they work wonders for people can dogs have them? Also apples and pears are great for kids when they need help so I would think that would be a great natural remedy as well for the pups since I know those are ok to give.

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